Permit to Take Water

Permit to Take Water Companies or organizations who take over 50,000 litres of water/day from a lake, river, stream or groundwater source, must obtain a Permit to Take Water from the Ministry of the Environment -with a few exceptions. Permit holders are legally required to record how much water they take each day. Data includes: * purpose * location * water source (e.g., ground or surface) * maximum amount allowed per day * permit number * expiry date of the permit [Permitted water-taking map]( [Create a map for a water-taking application]( 2024-08-29 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyPTTWwater managementenvironmentwaterpermit to take waterwater supplywatershedsource water protectionGovernment information MetadataPDF MetadataPDF GIS Shapefiles (zipped)SHP Permit to Take WaterXLS

Companies or organizations who take over 50,000 litres of water/day from a lake, river, stream or groundwater source, must obtain a Permit to Take Water from the Ministry of the Environment -with a few exceptions. Permit holders are legally required to record how much water they take each day. Data includes: * purpose * location * water source (e.g., ground or surface) * maximum amount allowed per day * permit number * expiry date of the permit Permitted water-taking map Create a map for a water-taking application

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