Ground ice map of Canada - segregated ice

Ground ice map of Canada - segregated ice The mapping depicts the relative abundance of segregated ice in upper permafrost at a national scale. The mapping is based on modelling by O'Neill et al. (2019) ( The mapping offers an improved depiction of ground ice in Canada at a broad scale, incorporating current knowledge on the associations between geological and environmental conditions and ground ice type and abundance. It provides a foundation for hypothesis testing related to broad-scale controls on ground ice formation, preservation, and melt. 2021-05-19 Natural Resources Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technologysegregated icePermafrostGround ice Ground ice map of Canada - segregated iceHTML Carte de la glace de sol du Canada - glace de ségrégationHTML Ground ice map of Canada - segregated ice abundance layer - FrenchWMS Ground ice map of Canada - segregated ice abundance layer - EnglishWMS Ground ice map of Canada - WMS service - EnglishWMS Ground ice map of Canada - WMS service - FrenchWMS

The mapping depicts the relative abundance of segregated ice in upper permafrost at a national scale. The mapping is based on modelling by O'Neill et al. (2019) ( The mapping offers an improved depiction of ground ice in Canada at a broad scale, incorporating current knowledge on the associations between geological and environmental conditions and ground ice type and abundance. It provides a foundation for hypothesis testing related to broad-scale controls on ground ice formation, preservation, and melt.

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