Fish activity area

Fish activity area The fish activity area data represents the consolidation of two fish data classes collected by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The data estimates locations used by fish for activities such as spawning and nursing young. Locations are represented as polygons. They may be related to a specific species or described more generally. There are additional sensitive features related to provincially tracked species and species at risk that are not available as part of the open data package. Sensitive features are subject to licensing and approvals and may be requested by contacting 2024-03-27 Government of Ontario Economics and Industryfish activityspawning areanursery areaGovernment information Fish activity areaHTML Aire d’activité des poissonsHTML Original metadata ( Original metadata (

The fish activity area data represents the consolidation of two fish data classes collected by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The data estimates locations used by fish for activities such as spawning and nursing young. Locations are represented as polygons. They may be related to a specific species or described more generally. There are additional sensitive features related to provincially tracked species and species at risk that are not available as part of the open data package. Sensitive features are subject to licensing and approvals and may be requested by contacting

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