Priority areas to be greened to reduce the impacts of heatwaves

Priority areas to be greened to reduce the impacts of heatwaves Polygons representing priority areas to be greened on the territory of the City of Montreal to reduce the impacts of heat waves. Three priority levels were defined using a methodology that aimed to meet the following 5 objectives: 1. Reducing the vulnerability of Montreal to heat waves 2. Decrease the area of heat islands 3. Increase the canopy index in the most tree-deficient areas 4. Reducing the impacts of heat waves on the most sensitive groups 5. Greening living environments as a priority (residential and community sectors) This layer will be used to monitor the evolution of one of the eight indicators of the 2020-2030 Climate Plan [2020-2030 Climate Plan] (, i.e. the number of plantations in vulnerable sectors with a target of 500,000 trees to be planted by the City and its partners. It will also help to better plan and prioritize greening projects that are often expensive (e.g. green roofs, new parks, green corridors, expanded tree planting areas, vegetated overhangs or medians, etc.). The data can also be consulted on the [interactive map of climate change vulnerabilities in the Montreal agglomeration] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Priority greening areasGEOJSON Priority greening areas (simplified polygons)GEOJSON Original metadata ( Priority greening areasSHP Priority greening areas (simplified polygons)SHP

Polygons representing priority areas to be greened on the territory of the City of Montreal to reduce the impacts of heat waves. Three priority levels were defined using a methodology that aimed to meet the following 5 objectives: 1. Reducing the vulnerability of Montreal to heat waves 2. Decrease the area of heat islands 3. Increase the canopy index in the most tree-deficient areas 4. Reducing the impacts of heat waves on the most sensitive groups 5. Greening living environments as a priority (residential and community sectors) This layer will be used to monitor the evolution of one of the eight indicators of the 2020-2030 Climate Plan [2020-2030 Climate Plan] (, i.e. the number of plantations in vulnerable sectors with a target of 500,000 trees to be planted by the City and its partners. It will also help to better plan and prioritize greening projects that are often expensive (e.g. green roofs, new parks, green corridors, expanded tree planting areas, vegetated overhangs or medians, etc.). The data can also be consulted on the [interactive map of climate change vulnerabilities in the Montreal agglomeration] ( third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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