Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants

Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants indicator tracks the proportion of the Canadian population living in areas where outdoor concentrations of air pollutants are below the 2020 Canadian Air Ambient Quality Standards. Canadians are exposed to air pollutants on a daily basis, and this exposure can result in adverse health and environmental effects. Exposure to some air pollutants, even at low levels, has been linked to increased heart and respiratory problems, increased hospitalization and emergency room visits and premature death. Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See the supplementary documentation for the data sources and details on how the data were collected and how the indicator was calculated. Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: https://www.canada.ca/environmental-indicators 2023-10-29 Environment and Climate Change Canada indicateurs-indicators@ec.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentEnvironmentSustainable developmentEnvironmental indicatorsAir pollutionenvironmental indicatorsairair qualityambient levelsair polluantspopulation exposureoutdoor concentrationsstandardsCanadians Data sources and methods – EnglishHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/population-exposure-outdoor-air-pollutants.html#DSM Data sources and methods – FrenchHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/services/indicateurs-environnementaux/exposition-population-polluants-atmospheriques-exterieurs.html#DSM Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants – EnglishHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/population-exposure-outdoor-air-pollutants.html Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants – FrenchHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/services/indicateurs-environnementaux/exposition-population-polluants-atmospheriques-exterieurs.html Percentage of Canadians living in areas where outdoor concentrations of air pollutants were at or below the 2020 Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards, Canada, 2005 to 2021 – English (1.30 kB)CSV https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/csv/cesindicators/population-exposure-air-pollutants/2023/percentage-canadians-below-at-caaqs-2021.csv Percentage of Canadians living in areas where outdoor concentrations of air pollutants were at or below the 2020 Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards, Canada, 2005 to 2021 – Français (1.55 kB)CSV https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/csv/cesindicators/population-exposure-air-pollutants/2023/pourcentage-canadiens-inferieures-egales-ncqaa-2021.csv

The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants indicator tracks the proportion of the Canadian population living in areas where outdoor concentrations of air pollutants are below the 2020 Canadian Air Ambient Quality Standards. Canadians are exposed to air pollutants on a daily basis, and this exposure can result in adverse health and environmental effects. Exposure to some air pollutants, even at low levels, has been linked to increased heart and respiratory problems, increased hospitalization and emergency room visits and premature death. Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See the supplementary documentation for the data sources and details on how the data were collected and how the indicator was calculated.

Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: https://www.canada.ca/environmental-indicators

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