Ontario Landfills

Ontario Landfills This is a listing of approved landfills in Ontario. Here you will find basic information on Ontario’s landfills including: * Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) number * Ministry of the Environment, Conservation (MECP) region * MECP district * client name * site name * site address * site municipality * operation status (open/closed) [Landfill sites map](https://www.ontario.ca/page/landfill-sites-map) This dataset replaces two datasets ([large landfills](https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/large-landfill-sites) and [small landfills](https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/small-landfill-sites)) which were last updated in 2014 and contain out of date information. **Note the size and capacity of landfills are not available at this time but may be made available in future updates to this data. More detailed information may be obtained by contacting the local MECP district office using the link [here](https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-environment-conservation-and-parks-district-locator). 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Nature and Environmentlandfilllandfillslandfill dataopen landfillslandfill listlist of landfillsOntario landfillsenvironment and natural resources Ontario LandfillsCSV https://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/3Land/Landfills/Ontario_Landfills.csv Ontario LandfillsXLSX https://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/3Land/Landfills/Ontario_Landfills.xlsx Metadata recordPDF https://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/metadata/opendata/Ontario_Landfills_metadata_EN.pdf Metadata recordPDF https://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/metadata/opendata/Ontario_Landfills_metadata_FR.pdf Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/c7c19fd6-d004-46d1-83cf-cdd687c3588e Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/c7c19fd6-d004-46d1-83cf-cdd687c3588e

This is a listing of approved landfills in Ontario. Here you will find basic information on Ontario’s landfills including: * Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) number * Ministry of the Environment, Conservation (MECP) region * MECP district * client name * site name * site address * site municipality * operation status (open/closed) Landfill sites map This dataset replaces two datasets (large landfills and small landfills) which were last updated in 2014 and contain out of date information. **Note the size and capacity of landfills are not available at this time but may be made available in future updates to this data. More detailed information may be obtained by contacting the local MECP district office using the link here.

Made available by the Government of Ontario

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