NWT Simplified Basemap

NWT Simplified Basemap This is a vector cached Base Map that is utilizing the most commonly used datasets that are publically available from the Government of the North West Territories and the Government of Canada. It has been rendered from 1:25,000,000 down to 1:1,000 scale 2024-07-02 Government of Northwest Territories geonwt@gov.nt.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyNorthwest Territories Open DataGovernment information NWT Simplified BasemapESRI REST https://www.apps.geomatics.gov.nt.ca/arcgis/rest/services/GNWT_Basemaps/GNWT_Simplified_Basemap/MapServer NWT Simplified BasemapWMS http://www.apps.geomatics.gov.nt.ca/ArcGIS/services/GNWT_Basemaps/GNWT_Simplified_Basemap/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS

This is a vector cached Base Map that is utilizing the most commonly used datasets that are publically available from the Government of the North West Territories and the Government of Canada. It has been rendered from 1:25,000,000 down to 1:1,000 scale

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: geonwt@gov.nt.ca

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