The Great Lakes 1654 to 1670

The Great Lakes 1654 to 1670 In the period between 1654 and 1670, missionaries were the principal explorers in the Great Lakes area. This map shows expeditions covering all parts of the Great Lakes except for southern Lake Michigan. The six expeditions shown are: Des Groseilliers (1654 to 1656), Des Groseilliers and Radisson (1659 to 1660); Allouez (1665 to 1667 and 1669); Peré and Adrien Jolliet (1669); and Adrien Jolliet, Dollier and Galinée (1669 to 1670). The map also shows the extent of territory known to Europeans and the navigation of all exploration routes in the period 1651 to 1760. The historical names found on the map are derived from contemporaneous maps and written documents of the period. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Society and Culturecanadian historyexplorationshistorymap Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

In the period between 1654 and 1670, missionaries were the principal explorers in the Great Lakes area. This map shows expeditions covering all parts of the Great Lakes except for southern Lake Michigan. The six expeditions shown are: Des Groseilliers (1654 to 1656), Des Groseilliers and Radisson (1659 to 1660); Allouez (1665 to 1667 and 1669); Peré and Adrien Jolliet (1669); and Adrien Jolliet, Dollier and Galinée (1669 to 1670). The map also shows the extent of territory known to Europeans and the navigation of all exploration routes in the period 1651 to 1760. The historical names found on the map are derived from contemporaneous maps and written documents of the period.

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