Unique student enrolment in Alberta's publicly funded post-secondary system by sector and institution

Unique student enrolment in Alberta's publicly funded post-secondary system by sector and institution This Alberta Official Statistic describes the Unique Student measure in relation to the number of students attending an approved program at a publicly funded post-secondary institution. The values in each row are related to the unique students at that level, and adding multiple values may lead to double counting students in multiple rows. This dataset will show the Unique Student measure by each institution and sector by Academic Year. Sectors are broken down into six categories of publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta as defined in legislation: (1) Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions, (2) Baccalaureate and Applied Studies Institutions, (3) Comprehensive Community Institutions, (4) Polytechnical Institutions, (5) Independent Academic Institutions, and (6) Specialized Arts and Culture Institutions. 2024-03-13 Government of Alberta osi.support@gov.ab.ca Education and TrainingAOSAlberta Official Statisticsheadcountpost-secondary enrolmentpost-secondary institutionsunique students Alberta Official Statistic VisualizationPDF https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/cc481027-d872-42b3-bebf-f100045c5b55/resource/b86165b2-3e86-4fec-92f7-ac84bb7e6202/download/07272015101unique-student-countsonepage.pdf XLSXXLSX https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/cc481027-d872-42b3-bebf-f100045c5b55/resource/d5a5f94e-36b7-4edd-bd84-9ea38f577974/download/unique-student-counts-enrolment-status-by-institution-and-sector2015-07-23.xlsx CSVCSV https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/cc481027-d872-42b3-bebf-f100045c5b55/resource/e8433663-5a9c-4c83-a541-99e75e415874/download/goauniquestudentenrolbyinstitutionandsectorv3.02015-07-23.csv Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/cc481027-d872-42b3-bebf-f100045c5b55

This Alberta Official Statistic describes the Unique Student measure in relation to the number of students attending an approved program at a publicly funded post-secondary institution. The values in each row are related to the unique students at that level, and adding multiple values may lead to double counting students in multiple rows. This dataset will show the Unique Student measure by each institution and sector by Academic Year. Sectors are broken down into six categories of publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta as defined in legislation: (1) Comprehensive Academic and Research Institutions, (2) Baccalaureate and Applied Studies Institutions, (3) Comprehensive Community Institutions, (4) Polytechnical Institutions, (5) Independent Academic Institutions, and (6) Specialized Arts and Culture Institutions.

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