Manitoba's Five Year Report on the Status of Forestry

Manitoba's Five Year Report on the Status of Forestry April 2016 - March 2021 As Minister of Natural Resources and Northern Development, I am pleased to present the Five-Year Report on the Status of Forestry to the legislature for the period ending March 31, 2021. Our forests are an important part of life in Manitoba. From employment to recreation to education, this vast resource offers all Manitobans a variety of economic, environmental and cultural benefits. Managing the forests appropriately – managing them sustainably – means finding that balance between growth and protection. 2024-06-17 Government of Manitoba Nature and EnvironmentSociety and CultureFive Year Report on the Status of ForestryManitobaProvince of ManitobaPublicForestryEnvironmentForestsResource ManagementNatural ResourcesGeographic DataMaps20162021Open DataGovernment information original metadata ( ArcGIS GeoServiceHTML

April 2016 - March 2021

As Minister of Natural Resources and Northern Development, I am pleased to present the Five-Year Report on the Status of Forestry to the legislature for the period ending March 31, 2021. Our forests are an important part of life in Manitoba. From employment to recreation to education, this vast resource offers all Manitobans a variety of economic, environmental and cultural benefits. Managing the forests appropriately – managing them sustainably – means finding that balance between growth and protection.

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