List of work stoppages in Quebec

List of work stoppages in Quebec This file contains an exhaustive list of work stoppages that occurred in Quebec on a monthly and annual basis. In particular, it contains the names of the employer and union parties, the start and end dates of the work stoppage, the number of workers concerned and the number of person-days lost. This last variable is obtained by multiplying the number of workers affected by the work stoppage by the number of working days lost. When an accreditation unit is in operation seven days a week, a ratio of 5/7 is applied to the number of workers affected considering that a normal work week is 5 days. Adjustments to the number of workers affected are also made to take into account the maintenance of essential services, for example for work stoppages that occurred in residences for the elderly or in ambulance services. The end date of the work stoppage corresponds to the day preceding the return to work. In progress means that the work stoppage did not end during the period covered by the data file. 2024-06-12 Government and Municipalities of Québec Economics and Industry List of work stoppages 2024XLSX List of work stoppages 2024CSV List of work stoppages 2023XLSX List of work stoppages 2023CSV List of work stoppages 2022XLSX List of work stoppages 2022CSV List of work stoppages 2021XLSX List of work stoppages 2021CSV List of work stoppages 2020CSV List of work stoppages 2020XLSX List of work stoppages 2019CSV List of work stoppages 2019XLSX List of work stoppages 2018CSV List of work stoppages 2018XLSX List of work stoppages 2017CSV List of work stoppages 2017XLSX List of work stoppages 2016CSV List of work stoppages 2016XLSX List of work stoppages from 1999 to 2015CSV List of work stoppages from 1999 to 2015XLSX Definition of conceptsPDF Original metadata (

This file contains an exhaustive list of work stoppages that occurred in Quebec on a monthly and annual basis. In particular, it contains the names of the employer and union parties, the start and end dates of the work stoppage, the number of workers concerned and the number of person-days lost. This last variable is obtained by multiplying the number of workers affected by the work stoppage by the number of working days lost. When an accreditation unit is in operation seven days a week, a ratio of 5/7 is applied to the number of workers affected considering that a normal work week is 5 days. Adjustments to the number of workers affected are also made to take into account the maintenance of essential services, for example for work stoppages that occurred in residences for the elderly or in ambulance services. The end date of the work stoppage corresponds to the day preceding the return to work. In progress means that the work stoppage did not end during the period covered by the data file.

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