Male Median Income (1995$)

Male Median Income (1995$) This map shows male median income for the male population 15 years of age and over reporting income in 1995 (not including institutional residents). The distribution of incomes above the national male median of $25 270 were most prominent in the urban centres including Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa-Hull, Montréal. However, a number of rural and northern census divisions had incomes above the male national median. These included Prince George in the Fraser Fort-George Regional District and the Peace River Regional District of British Columbia. These high incomes were partially attributed to the higher wages as a result of employment incentives such as living and wage supplements to compensate for the higher costs of living. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Economics and Industryeconomymappersonal income Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

This map shows male median income for the male population 15 years of age and over reporting income in 1995 (not including institutional residents). The distribution of incomes above the national male median of $25 270 were most prominent in the urban centres including Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa-Hull, Montréal. However, a number of rural and northern census divisions had incomes above the male national median. These included Prince George in the Fraser Fort-George Regional District and the Peace River Regional District of British Columbia. These high incomes were partially attributed to the higher wages as a result of employment incentives such as living and wage supplements to compensate for the higher costs of living.

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