Sechelt Indian Government District - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC

Sechelt Indian Government District - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC The __Sechelt Indian Government District__ contains legally defined areas of land within the Province of British Columbia over which the Sechelt Indian Band exercises self-government, including the administration of resources and services available to its members, as described in the Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act of 1986. This spatial layer contains multipart features. The source data for the geometry of the parcels was the federal "GeoBase - Aboriginal Lands" dataset, available under OGL - Canada. Parcels were adjusted to match provincial base mapping features, following the metes and bounds descriptions in the Letters Patent. A polygon dataset that includes all of the administrative areas currently in the __Administrative Boundaries Management System (ABMS)__ is available [here]( A complimentary point dataset that defines the administrative areas is also available [here]( The SECHELT INDIAN GOVERNMENT DISTRICT ENABLING ACT, [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 416 is available [here.]( Other individual datasets are available from the following records: 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Government and PoliticsABMSAdministrative boundariesBritish ColumbiaSIGDSechelt Indian Government DistrictGovernment information BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML Original metadata ( ABMS_SECHELT_IGD_SPKML ABMS_SECHELT_IGD_SPWMS ABMS_SECHELT_IGD_SPWMS

The Sechelt Indian Government District contains legally defined areas of land within the Province of British Columbia over which the Sechelt Indian Band exercises self-government, including the administration of resources and services available to its members, as described in the Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act of 1986. This spatial layer contains multipart features. The source data for the geometry of the parcels was the federal "GeoBase - Aboriginal Lands" dataset, available under OGL - Canada. Parcels were adjusted to match provincial base mapping features, following the metes and bounds descriptions in the Letters Patent. A polygon dataset that includes all of the administrative areas currently in the Administrative Boundaries Management System (ABMS) is available here. A complimentary point dataset that defines the administrative areas is also available here. The SECHELT INDIAN GOVERNMENT DISTRICT ENABLING ACT, [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 416 is available here. Other individual datasets are available from the following records:

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