Employment Growth 2001 - 2006 (by census division)

Employment Growth 2001 - 2006 (by census division) Between 2001 and 2006, total employment in Canada increased at an annual average rate of 1.7%, the fastest rate increase among the Group of Seven (G7) nations. Italy's growth rate of 1.2% was second followed by France and the United States of America. Employment rose in every part of the country. Over the five years, the 1.7% annual average national employment growth rate was surpassed only in Alberta (2.9%) and British Columbia (2.1%) and the three territories. The map shows the employment growth rate between 2001 and 2006 by census division. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada geoinfo@nrcan.gc.ca Economics and Industryeconomyemploymentmap Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/eng/6224_employment_growth_2001_2006_cd.jp2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/eng/6224_employment_growth_2001_2006_cd.zip Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/fra/6224_croissance_emploi_2001_2006_dr.jp2 Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/fra/6224_croissance_emploi_2001_2006_dr.zip

Between 2001 and 2006, total employment in Canada increased at an annual average rate of 1.7%, the fastest rate increase among the Group of Seven (G7) nations. Italy's growth rate of 1.2% was second followed by France and the United States of America. Employment rose in every part of the country. Over the five years, the 1.7% annual average national employment growth rate was surpassed only in Alberta (2.9%) and British Columbia (2.1%) and the three territories. The map shows the employment growth rate between 2001 and 2006 by census division.

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