Annual forest fire reporting data

Annual forest fire reporting data Get data on forest fires, compiled annually for the National Forestry Database [The National Forestry Database]( includes national forest data and forest management statistics to seve as a credible, accurate and reliable source of information on forest management and its impact on the forest resource. Forest fire data is grouped into eight categories, which are further broken down by geographic location. These include: * number of fires by cause class and response category * area burned by cause class and response category * number of fires by month and response category * area burned by month and response category * number of fires by fire size class and response category * area burned by fire size class and response category * area burned by productivity class, stocking class, maturity class and response category * other fire statistics, such as property losses 2024-07-17 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyGovernment information Forest area burned and number of forest firesHTML Superficie forestière brûlée et nombre d'incendiesHTML

Get data on forest fires, compiled annually for the National Forestry Database The National Forestry Database includes national forest data and forest management statistics to seve as a credible, accurate and reliable source of information on forest management and its impact on the forest resource. Forest fire data is grouped into eight categories, which are further broken down by geographic location. These include: * number of fires by cause class and response category * area burned by cause class and response category * number of fires by month and response category * area burned by month and response category * number of fires by fire size class and response category * area burned by fire size class and response category * area burned by productivity class, stocking class, maturity class and response category * other fire statistics, such as property losses

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