BC Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Rates

BC Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Rates This dataset contains estimates of the per-capita amount, in kilograms, of municipal solid waste disposed of in B.C., by regional district, from 1990 to 2020. The data from 1990-2006 data were collected from the regional districts by the Ministry of Environment, and were previously published in annual Municipal Solid Waste Tracking Reports. The 2007 data were collected by the BC Climate Action Secretariat for the [Community Energy and Emissions Inventory](http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=9CD252EC63C84868AC2325F70E21683C). The source CEEI data are available [here](https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bfa9ebf9-57b9-46cb-b098-2081de538e2e), and include a wide variety of information for all types of local governments (e.g., municipalities, unincorporated ares, etc). The 2010-2020 disposal amounts were provided by the Regional Districts, except in a few cases where they were estimated by Ministry of Environment staff. The disposal rates for Comox Valley and Strathcona are reported together, as they handle their waste stream [together](http://www.cswm.ca/index.html). Please see the More Info link below for a visualization of municipal solid waste disposal in BC. Note that differences in methodologies over time and among Regional Districts make direct comparisons difficult. Regional District population estimates are sourced from [BC Stats](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=36D1A7A4BEE248598281824C13CB65B6). Some population estimates have been adjusted based on data submitted by the Regional Districts based on local information (e.g. tourism population estimates). 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia karly.harker@gov.bc.ca Nature and Environmentdisposalenvironmentmunicipal solid wastestateofenvironmentwaste BC_Municipal_Solid_Waste_DisposalCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/d21ed158-0ac7-4afd-a03b-ce22df0096bc/resource/d2648733-e484-40f2-b589-48192c16686b/download/bc_municipal_solid_waste_disposal.csv Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-municipal-solid-waste-disposal-rates

This dataset contains estimates of the per-capita amount, in kilograms, of municipal solid waste disposed of in B.C., by regional district, from 1990 to 2020. The data from 1990-2006 data were collected from the regional districts by the Ministry of Environment, and were previously published in annual Municipal Solid Waste Tracking Reports. The 2007 data were collected by the BC Climate Action Secretariat for the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory. The source CEEI data are available here, and include a wide variety of information for all types of local governments (e.g., municipalities, unincorporated ares, etc). The 2010-2020 disposal amounts were provided by the Regional Districts, except in a few cases where they were estimated by Ministry of Environment staff. The disposal rates for Comox Valley and Strathcona are reported together, as they handle their waste stream together. Please see the More Info link below for a visualization of municipal solid waste disposal in BC. Note that differences in methodologies over time and among Regional Districts make direct comparisons difficult. Regional District population estimates are sourced from BC Stats. Some population estimates have been adjusted based on data submitted by the Regional Districts based on local information (e.g. tourism population estimates).

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Electronic Mail Address: karly.harker@gov.bc.ca

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