Minister of National Defence’s Supplementary Estimates (C) Binder

Minister of National Defence’s Supplementary Estimates (C) Binder Binder used by the Minister of National Defence to support her appearance on the Supplementary Estimates (C) in front of the House Standing Committee on National Defence. 2022-07-14 National Defence Information and CommunicationsCommunications Security Establishment (CSE)personnelIndigenousmilitary justiceinternational securitydomestic and continental securityprocurementinfrastructureenvironmentand information managementresearch and technologyfunding Minister of National Defence’s Supplementary Estimates (C) BinderHTML Minister of National Defence’s Supplementary Estimates (C) BinderHTML

Binder used by the Minister of National Defence to support her appearance on the Supplementary Estimates (C) in front of the House Standing Committee on National Defence.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: National Defence
  • Publisher - Organization Section Name: Directorate of Parliamentary Affairs, Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy)
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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