Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program

Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program Level below which soil or rock is saturated with water, in the well and at the time the level has been measured, expressed in m above the sea level. Groundwater levels measured are interpolated / extrapolated to obtain groundwater level on every cell of the hydrogeological unit raster. Surfer and ArcGis are the software usually used to create groundwater level raster. The dataset designates a raster with a groundwater level, for each cell of the hydrogeological unit. 2020-05-05 Natural Resources Canada nrcan.gsc-geosciencedata-donneesgeoscience-cgc.rncan@canada.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyHydrogeologyPiezometric surfaceGroundwater Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program - EnglishWMS https://gin.gw-info.net/service/gin/wms/mediator/gin_en?request=GetCapabilities&version=1.3.0&service=WMS&LAYERS=gw_piezometry&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/html Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program - FrenchWMS https://gin.gw-info.net/service/gin/wms/mediator/gin_fr?request=GetCapabilities&version=1.3.0&service=WMS&LAYERS=gw_piezometry&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/html Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program - EnglishHTML https://gin.gw-info.net/service/api_ngwds:gin2/en/data/standard.download.html?THEME=14&BBOX=-180,30.84375,5.019531,90 Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program - FrenchHTML https://gin.gw-info.net/service/api_ngwds:gin2/fr/data/standard.download.html?THEME=14&BBOX=-180,30.84375,5.019531,90 Data Product Specifications, Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program - FrenchPDF https://gin.gw-info.net/service/ngwds/downloadmanager/file/dps/piezo_fr.pdf Data Product Specifications, Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program - EnglishPDF https://gin.gw-info.net/service/ngwds/downloadmanager/file/dps/piezo_en.pdf

Level below which soil or rock is saturated with water, in the well and at the time the level has been measured, expressed in m above the sea level. Groundwater levels measured are interpolated / extrapolated to obtain groundwater level on every cell of the hydrogeological unit raster. Surfer and ArcGis are the software usually used to create groundwater level raster. The dataset designates a raster with a groundwater level, for each cell of the hydrogeological unit.

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: nrcan.gsc-geosciencedata-donneesgeoscience-cgc.rncan@canada.ca

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