Regional stream sediment geochemical data, Teslin area, southern Yukon (NTS 105C)

Regional stream sediment geochemical data, Teslin area, southern Yukon (NTS 105C) This data package contains results for parts of the Teslin survey area (NTS 105C). This information has been provided in a variety of digital formats. PDF files include survey descriptions and details regarding methods, analytical data listings and summary statistics. Raw digital data of original field and analytical information plus new reanalysis results are included in Microsoft?Excel (XLS) format. NGR surveys were originally conducted in the Teslin map area in 1985 and covered parts of NTS map sheet 105C (Geological Survey of Canada, 1986). Stream sediment and water samples were collected from a total of 865 sample sites. The work was undertaken by the GSC in conjunction with the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and the government of Yukon under the Canada-Yukon Mineral Development Agreement (1985-1989). As part of the 2014 Yukon Database Upgrade Project, original material collected from 817 sample sites were selected for reanalysis. Samples from 48 sites located in protected areas were not included. Representative 2 gram splits were successfully recovered from a total of 865 samples. Due to a deficiency of available material, 2 samples were not recovered. The samples were delivered to Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. (Vancouver) and were analyzed by an ultra-trace aqua-regia digestion ICP-MS package for 53 elements. 2024-07-30 Government of Yukon Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyRGSgeochemistry Report and spreadsheetHTML Original metadata (

This data package contains results for parts of the Teslin survey area (NTS 105C). This information has been provided in a variety of digital formats. PDF files include survey descriptions and details regarding methods, analytical data listings and summary statistics. Raw digital data of original field and analytical information plus new reanalysis results are included in Microsoft?Excel (XLS) format. NGR surveys were originally conducted in the Teslin map area in 1985 and covered parts of NTS map sheet 105C (Geological Survey of Canada, 1986). Stream sediment and water samples were collected from a total of 865 sample sites. The work was undertaken by the GSC in conjunction with the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and the government of Yukon under the Canada-Yukon Mineral Development Agreement (1985-1989). As part of the 2014 Yukon Database Upgrade Project, original material collected from 817 sample sites were selected for reanalysis. Samples from 48 sites located in protected areas were not included. Representative 2 gram splits were successfully recovered from a total of 865 samples. Due to a deficiency of available material, 2 samples were not recovered. The samples were delivered to Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. (Vancouver) and were analyzed by an ultra-trace aqua-regia digestion ICP-MS package for 53 elements.

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