Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus

Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus The Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus is a bilingual thesaurus consisting of terminology which represents all the fields treated in information resources of the Government of Canada. It contains 4,997 terms in English and 5,065 in French, including 2,302 preferred terms in English and 2,303 in French. All fields of knowledge are represented in the thesaurus, to varying degrees. Because of the great variety of subjects covered by the thesaurus, its terminology is rather general. By design, it does not include specialized terminology used in specific and limited disciplines. 2024-02-29 Library and Archives Canada Information and CommunicationsSociety and CultureCore Subject ThesaurusSubject ThesaurusCST DatasetRDF DatasetXML DatasetCSV DatasetRDF DatasetXML DatasetCSV

The Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus is a bilingual thesaurus consisting of terminology which represents all the fields treated in information resources of the Government of Canada. It contains 4,997 terms in English and 5,065 in French, including 2,302 preferred terms in English and 2,303 in French. All fields of knowledge are represented in the thesaurus, to varying degrees. Because of the great variety of subjects covered by the thesaurus, its terminology is rather general. By design, it does not include specialized terminology used in specific and limited disciplines.

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