Service Industries - Specialization in Retailing, 1996

Service Industries - Specialization in Retailing, 1996 Retailing is the most familiar service of all: goods are brought together, displayed and sold directly to consumers. This map shows the difference between the actual employment in retail and the expected level, based on the city's population and income. Retail activity is usually divided into two categories: the provision of convenience goods, such as food, drugs and gasoline, that are purchased on a daily or weekly basis — usually from the nearest outlet — and the provision of shopping goods, such as clothes, furniture or new cars. Customers prefer to compare several stores before buying shopping goods. The specialization in retailing is evident throughout western Canada, including British Columbia, wherever cities serve extensive trade (market) areas. There is a corresponding deficiency of retail facilities in the cities of Ontario and Quebec, especially in and around the largest cities where trade areas are smaller. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Economics and Industryeconomymapservice industry Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

Retailing is the most familiar service of all: goods are brought together, displayed and sold directly to consumers. This map shows the difference between the actual employment in retail and the expected level, based on the city's population and income. Retail activity is usually divided into two categories: the provision of convenience goods, such as food, drugs and gasoline, that are purchased on a daily or weekly basis — usually from the nearest outlet — and the provision of shopping goods, such as clothes, furniture or new cars. Customers prefer to compare several stores before buying shopping goods. The specialization in retailing is evident throughout western Canada, including British Columbia, wherever cities serve extensive trade (market) areas. There is a corresponding deficiency of retail facilities in the cities of Ontario and Quebec, especially in and around the largest cities where trade areas are smaller.

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