Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia

Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia The province is strengthening its commitment to address climate change and grow the economy with its new Electric Vehicle Rebate program. The rebate program gives Nova Scotians of varying income levels to take part in the shift to clean transportation. The Clean Foundation administers the point-of-sale rebate program through auto dealers and bicycle retailers. 2024-01-17 Government of Nova Scotia Economics and Industryevelectric vehicletransportationclean transportationclimate change Nova Scotia original metadata ( Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (CSV)CSV Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (CSV Excel)CSV Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (CSV Excel (EU))CSV Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (TSV)other Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (RDF)RDF Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (RSS)RSS Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia (XML)XML Rebates for New and Used Electric Vehicles in Nova Scotia - Advanced ViewHTML

The province is strengthening its commitment to address climate change and grow the economy with its new Electric Vehicle Rebate program. The rebate program gives Nova Scotians of varying income levels to take part in the shift to clean transportation. The Clean Foundation administers the point-of-sale rebate program through auto dealers and bicycle retailers.

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