Rail Carriers, 2006 - Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)

Rail Carriers, 2006 - Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) In 2006 there were 48 068 kilometres of railways, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. The two largest Class 1 carriers, Canadian National Railway Company (CN) which owns or leases 22 686 kilometres of railways and Canadian Pacific Rail Company (CPR) which owns or leases 12 812 kilometres. The regional and shortline railways combined, own or lease a total of 11 734 kilometres. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada geoinfo@nrcan.gc.ca Transporteconomymaprailway networks Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/eng/6335_rail_carriers_2006_canadian_pacific_railway.jp2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/eng/6335_rail_carriers_2006_canadian_pacific_railway.zip Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/fra/6335_transporteurs_ferroviaires_2006_canadien_pacifique.jp2 Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP https://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/raster/atlas_6_ed/fra/6335_transporteurs_ferroviaires_2006_canadien_pacifique.zip

In 2006 there were 48 068 kilometres of railways, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. The two largest Class 1 carriers, Canadian National Railway Company (CN) which owns or leases 22 686 kilometres of railways and Canadian Pacific Rail Company (CPR) which owns or leases 12 812 kilometres. The regional and shortline railways combined, own or lease a total of 11 734 kilometres.

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