Enterprise Vendor of Record Arrangements

Enterprise Vendor of Record Arrangements The Government of Ontario's enterprise-wide Vendor of Record (VOR) Program provides goods and services commonly acquired by government ministries. Many are available to other Provincially Funded Organizations, such as hospitals and municipalities. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services establishes most agreements through open bidding, qualifying one or more vendor(s) to provide goods or services for a defined period, on specified terms and conditions (including pricing, where applicable). Some software and travel agreements are non-competitively established. This dataset provides the following information about the VOR Program: * VOR Arrangement Number * VOR Arrangement Name * Qualified Vendor(s) * Start Date * End Date *[VOR]: Vendor of Record 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEconomy and BusinessGovernment and FinanceGovernment Enterprise Vendor of Record ArrangementsCSV https://www.doingbusiness.mgs.gov.on.ca/mbs/psb/vordb.nsf/SettingDocView/enterprise_vor_program/$File/enterprise_vor_program.csv Enterprise Vendor of Record ArrangementsCSV https://www.doingbusiness.mgs.gov.on.ca/mbs/psb/vordb.nsf/SettingDocView/enterprise_vor_program_FR/$File/enterprise_vor_program_FR.csv Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/d8b114b4-5e55-4b1c-82d4-f5e5710b9048 Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/d8b114b4-5e55-4b1c-82d4-f5e5710b9048

The Government of Ontario's enterprise-wide Vendor of Record (VOR) Program provides goods and services commonly acquired by government ministries. Many are available to other Provincially Funded Organizations, such as hospitals and municipalities. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services establishes most agreements through open bidding, qualifying one or more vendor(s) to provide goods or services for a defined period, on specified terms and conditions (including pricing, where applicable). Some software and travel agreements are non-competitively established. This dataset provides the following information about the VOR Program: * VOR Arrangement Number * VOR Arrangement Name * Qualified Vendor(s) * Start Date * End Date *[VOR]: Vendor of Record

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