Map of Forest Management in Canada

Map of Forest Management in Canada Forests cover large areas of Canada but only some of these forests are actively managed. The Map of Forest Management in Canada provides a generalized classification of forest management in Canada, including: protected areas, Treaty/Settlement Lands (including Treaty Lands identified in Final Agreements, Land Claim Agreements and Settlements), Indian Reserves, other federal reserves (including military training areas), provincial and territorial reserves and restricted use areas, private lands, short- and long-term Crown forest tenure areas and areas with no current Crown timber dispositions. The Managed Forest Map of Canada dataset provides a wall-to-wall classification of lands in Canada. It does not differentiate areas of forest from non-forest. The Managed Forest Map of Canada differs from maps defining the area designated as “managed forest” for greenhouse gas inventory reporting purposes and does not replace those maps. Instead, the Managed Forest Map of Canada shows areas that are currently managed, as of June 2017, and provides generalized management type classification for those areas. Collaborating agencies plan to update the dataset periodically as needed, and remain open to receiving advice from experts concerning refinement priorities for future versions. 2021-11-10 Natural Resources Canada Government and PoliticsNature and EnvironmentForestsForest managementResources managementNatural ResourcesConservation areasGeographic dataMapsNatural resources Map of Forest Management in CanadaWMS Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2017 Version, Gridded RasterTIFF Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020 Version, Gridded RasterTIFF La carte de la gestion forestière au CanadaWMS Map of Forest Management in CanadaWFS La carte de la gestion forestière au CanadaWFS Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2017 version, VectorFGDB/GDB

Forests cover large areas of Canada but only some of these forests are actively managed. The Map of Forest Management in Canada provides a generalized classification of forest management in Canada, including: protected areas, Treaty/Settlement Lands (including Treaty Lands identified in Final Agreements, Land Claim Agreements and Settlements), Indian Reserves, other federal reserves (including military training areas), provincial and territorial reserves and restricted use areas, private lands, short- and long-term Crown forest tenure areas and areas with no current Crown timber dispositions. The Managed Forest Map of Canada dataset provides a wall-to-wall classification of lands in Canada. It does not differentiate areas of forest from non-forest. The Managed Forest Map of Canada differs from maps defining the area designated as “managed forest” for greenhouse gas inventory reporting purposes and does not replace those maps. Instead, the Managed Forest Map of Canada shows areas that are currently managed, as of June 2017, and provides generalized management type classification for those areas. Collaborating agencies plan to update the dataset periodically as needed, and remain open to receiving advice from experts concerning refinement priorities for future versions.

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