Tsunami Notification Zones for BC

Tsunami Notification Zones for BC The Tsunami Notification Zone classifications are used to differentiate the notification areas along the coast of BC. These Zones are used to add BC specific information to tsunami alerts issued from West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. BC tsunami alerts are disseminated via the Provincial Emergency Notification System (PENS) which encompasses automated phone calls to key stakeholders, faxes, email distribution and updates on the emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca website as well as Environment Canada's WeatherOffice, WeatherRadio and MediaWeb services. Each zone has a corresponding level of general risk associated with it, based on a suite of potential tsunami scenarios, which allows emergency managers to estimate the level of risk in each zone. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Robert.White@gov.bc.ca Government and PoliticsEMCRPEPemergency managementemergency planningincident managementland managementrisktsunamiGovernment information BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/tsunami-notification-zones-for-bc/resource/2551b4de-6d79-4ea6-bdb9-a802364208c2 Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/tsunami-notification-zones-for-bc ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SPKML https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/kml/geo/layers/WHSE_LEGAL_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SP_loader.kml ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SPWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/WHSE_LEGAL_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SP/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:WHSE_LEGAL_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SP&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SPWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/WHSE_LEGAL_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SP/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:WHSE_LEGAL_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.ADM_TSUNAMI_NOTIFY_ZONES_SP&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain

The Tsunami Notification Zone classifications are used to differentiate the notification areas along the coast of BC. These Zones are used to add BC specific information to tsunami alerts issued from West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. BC tsunami alerts are disseminated via the Provincial Emergency Notification System (PENS) which encompasses automated phone calls to key stakeholders, faxes, email distribution and updates on the emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca website as well as Environment Canada's WeatherOffice, WeatherRadio and MediaWeb services. Each zone has a corresponding level of general risk associated with it, based on a suite of potential tsunami scenarios, which allows emergency managers to estimate the level of risk in each zone.

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: Sonia.Woolford@gov.bc.ca

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