Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model

Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model To support improved groundwater geoscience knowledge for southern Ontario, a regional 3-D model of the surficial geology of southern Ontario has been developed as a part of a collaboration between the Ontario Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. Covering approximately 66,870 km2 in area, the model is a synthesis of existing geological models, surficial geology mapping, and subsurface data. The model is a simplified 9-layer reclassification of numerous mapped local surficial sediment formations in places over 200 m thick with a total volume of approximately 2,455 km3. The model integrates 1:50,000 scale surficial geology mapping with 90 m bathymetrically corrected topographic digital elevation model (DEM) and 8 existing local 3-D models. Archival subsurface data include 10,237 geotechnical and stratigraphic boreholes, 3,312 picks from geophysical surveys, 15,902 field mapping sites and sections, 537 monitoring and water supply wells and 282,995 water well records. Roughly corresponding to regional aquifer and aquitard layers, primary model layers are (from oldest to youngest): Bedrock, Basal Aquifer, Lower Sediment, Regional Till, Post Regional Till Channel Fill, Glaciofluvial Sediment, Post Regional Till Mud, Glaciolacustrine Sand and Recent Sediment / Organics. Modelling was completed using an implicit modelling application (LeapFrog®) complemented by an expert knowledge approach to data classification and rules-based Expert System procedure for data interpretation and validation. An iterative cycle of automated data coding, intermediate model construction and manual data corrections, expert evaluations, and revisions lead to the final 3-D model. A semi-quantitative confidence assessment has been made for each model layer surface based on data quality, distribution and density. This surficial geology model completes the development of a series of regional 3-D geological and hydrogeological models for southern Ontario. 2024-07-02 Natural Resources Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyAnthropogenic depositsColluvial and mass-wasting depositsUndifferentiated depositsOrganic depositsSamplesGeomorphological featuresRecent Geological EventsSurficial GeologyGlacial Ice or SnowpackMaterialMethodsWeathered bedrock or regolithAlluvial sedimentsEolian sedimentsGlaciofluvial sedimentsGlacial sedimentsGlaciolacustrine sedimentsGlaciomarine sedimentsLacustrine sedimentsMarine sedimentsVolcanic depositsBedrockSurficial Geology Unit TypesNamed unitsAquiferAquifer systemAquitardSurficial geology Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - FrenchHTML Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - EnglishHTML Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - spatial extent - FrenchESRI REST Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - spatial extent - EnglishESRI REST Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - spatial extent - EnglishWMS Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - spatial extent - FrenchWMS Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - FrenchDXF Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - EnglishDXF Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - spatial extent - FrenchSHP Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - spatial extent - EnglishSHP Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - associated publication - FrenchHTML Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model - associated publication - EnglishHTML

To support improved groundwater geoscience knowledge for southern Ontario, a regional 3-D model of the surficial geology of southern Ontario has been developed as a part of a collaboration between the Ontario Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. Covering approximately 66,870 km2 in area, the model is a synthesis of existing geological models, surficial geology mapping, and subsurface data. The model is a simplified 9-layer reclassification of numerous mapped local surficial sediment formations in places over 200 m thick with a total volume of approximately 2,455 km3. The model integrates 1:50,000 scale surficial geology mapping with 90 m bathymetrically corrected topographic digital elevation model (DEM) and 8 existing local 3-D models. Archival subsurface data include 10,237 geotechnical and stratigraphic boreholes, 3,312 picks from geophysical surveys, 15,902 field mapping sites and sections, 537 monitoring and water supply wells and 282,995 water well records. Roughly corresponding to regional aquifer and aquitard layers, primary model layers are (from oldest to youngest): Bedrock, Basal Aquifer, Lower Sediment, Regional Till, Post Regional Till Channel Fill, Glaciofluvial Sediment, Post Regional Till Mud, Glaciolacustrine Sand and Recent Sediment / Organics. Modelling was completed using an implicit modelling application (LeapFrog®) complemented by an expert knowledge approach to data classification and rules-based Expert System procedure for data interpretation and validation. An iterative cycle of automated data coding, intermediate model construction and manual data corrections, expert evaluations, and revisions lead to the final 3-D model. A semi-quantitative confidence assessment has been made for each model layer surface based on data quality, distribution and density. This surficial geology model completes the development of a series of regional 3-D geological and hydrogeological models for southern Ontario.

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