Lithology of Ground Water Wells

Lithology of Ground Water Wells Point features showing the locations of groundwater wells which have lithology recorded. Each record in the dataset represents a lithology interval. Because each water well often has multiple lithology layers recorded, there will often be multiple points overlapped at each well location. For the locations of all water wells in BC (without lithology), please see: > NOTE: When choosing to download this GIS dataset below, there can be errors when trying to download the entire province. The large file size is a problem for the default file format (shapefile). > If you need to download the entire province, please choose a different file format (e.g. ESRI File Geodatabase). > If you need to download in shapefile format, please use an area of interest (AOI). 2024-07-10 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentBCCanadagroundwaterhydrogeologylithologywaterwellsGovernment information Original metadata ( BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML GW_WATER_WELLS_LITHOLOGY_SPKML GW_WATER_WELLS_LITHOLOGY_SPWMS GW_WATER_WELLS_LITHOLOGY_SPWMS

Point features showing the locations of groundwater wells which have lithology recorded. Each record in the dataset represents a lithology interval. Because each water well often has multiple lithology layers recorded, there will often be multiple points overlapped at each well location. For the locations of all water wells in BC (without lithology), please see: > NOTE: When choosing to download this GIS dataset below, there can be errors when trying to download the entire province. The large file size is a problem for the default file format (shapefile). > If you need to download the entire province, please choose a different file format (e.g. ESRI File Geodatabase). > If you need to download in shapefile format, please use an area of interest (AOI).

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