Agricultural Regions

Agricultural Regions Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows two condensed maps illustrating the division of Canada into agricultural regions based on the percentage of total gross farm revenue obtained from a particular source in 1951. The four primary divisions were made according to specific criteria. For Livestock Specialty divisions 70% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of livestock and livestock products. This was divided into three subdivisions: Dairy Emphasis, where sales of dairy products made up over 40% of total sales; Cattle Emphasis, where sales of cattle made up over 40% of sales; and General, where neither dairy products or cattle sales represented over 40% of total sales of livestock and livestock products. For Grain Specialty divisions 70% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of grain and hay. This was divided into two subdivisions: General, where no single crop acreage exceeded 40% of the total acreage; and Wheat, where the wheat acreage exceeded 40% of the total acreage. For Combination Grain and Livestock divisions less than 70% of the gross farm revenue was from either crops or livestock. This was divided into two subdivisions: Cash Crop Emphasis, where the gross revenue from cash crops and grain exceeded that of livestock; and Livestock Emphasis, where the gross revenue from livestock exceeded that from grain and cash crops. For Special Crops divisions 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from some special crops. This was divided into three subdivisions: Tobacco or Potatoes, where 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of tobacco, potatoes or other root crops; Fruits and Vegetables, where 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of fruits and vegetables; and Forest Products, where 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of forest products. Variations within the subdivisions were the basis for a further breakdown into 266 regions to each of which a number and name were assigned. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Agricultureagri-food industryagri-food productsagricultureagriculture statisticscerealscropsgrainslivestock Download the English JPG through HTTPJPG Download the English PDF through HTTPPDF Download the French JPG through HTTPJPG Download the French PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows two condensed maps illustrating the division of Canada into agricultural regions based on the percentage of total gross farm revenue obtained from a particular source in 1951. The four primary divisions were made according to specific criteria. For Livestock Specialty divisions 70% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of livestock and livestock products. This was divided into three subdivisions: Dairy Emphasis, where sales of dairy products made up over 40% of total sales; Cattle Emphasis, where sales of cattle made up over 40% of sales; and General, where neither dairy products or cattle sales represented over 40% of total sales of livestock and livestock products. For Grain Specialty divisions 70% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of grain and hay. This was divided into two subdivisions: General, where no single crop acreage exceeded 40% of the total acreage; and Wheat, where the wheat acreage exceeded 40% of the total acreage. For Combination Grain and Livestock divisions less than 70% of the gross farm revenue was from either crops or livestock. This was divided into two subdivisions: Cash Crop Emphasis, where the gross revenue from cash crops and grain exceeded that of livestock; and Livestock Emphasis, where the gross revenue from livestock exceeded that from grain and cash crops. For Special Crops divisions 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from some special crops. This was divided into three subdivisions: Tobacco or Potatoes, where 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of tobacco, potatoes or other root crops; Fruits and Vegetables, where 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of fruits and vegetables; and Forest Products, where 50% or more of the gross farm revenue was from sales of forest products. Variations within the subdivisions were the basis for a further breakdown into 266 regions to each of which a number and name were assigned.

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