5th National Action Plan on Open Government Reporting Data - NAP data

Data Dictionary

Reporting Period

Year and month of the update

Primary key
Code Description
2022-03 2022-03
2022-06 2022-06
2022-09 2022-09
2022-12 2022-12
2023-03 2023-03
2023-06 2023-06
2023-09 2023-09
2023-12 2023-12
2024-03 2024-03
2024-06 2024-06
2024-09 2024-09
2024-12 2024-12

The 5 commitments in the 2022-2024 National Action Plan on Open Government

Code Description
C01 Climate Change and Sustainable Growth
C02 Democracy and Civic Space
C03 Fiscal, Financial and Corporate Transparency
C04 Justice
C05 Open Data for Results

This list contains milestones that correspond to the chosen commitment

Code Description
C01.1 Through the Open Science and Data Platform make information related to cumulative effects, including climate change and sustainable growth, easier for people in Canada to find and understand
C01.2 Improve and expand information on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions through the Physical Flow Accounts as part of the Canadian Centre for Energy Information (CCEI)
C01.3 Making climate change science more open and accessible
C01.4 Provide accessible, reliable, and practical climate data and information to support adaptation decision-making and help people of Canada, across all sectors and regions, build their resilience to climate change
C02.1 Take action to address the rising spread of disinformation in Canada and its consequences on the health of our democracy
C02.2 Continue protecting democracy at home and abroad and safeguarding Canada’s electoral and democracy processes by combatting foreign threats to democracy
C02.3 Take steps towards strengthening trust, inclusion, and social cohesion in Canada
C02.4 Advance digital inclusion at home and abroad with a focus on shaping global norms, empowering multistakeholder engagement and boosting communication and outreach
C03.1 Pursuant to the Budget 2022 commitment the Government of Canada will implement a public and searchable beneficial ownership registry by the end of 2023. The registry will cover federally regulated corporations and will be scalable to allow access to the beneficial ownership data held by provinces and territories that agree to participate in a national registry
C03.2 Engage federal, provincial and territorial partners to support coordinated implementation and a harmonized approach to ultimate beneficial ownership
C03.3 Monitor the strategic management of procurement of technology and software within the Government of Canada
C04.1 Collect and share data, including disaggregated data
C04.2 Identify and share promising practices
C04.3 Advance legal literacy and empowerment
C04.4 Foster partnerships and collaborate to advance access to justice
C04.5 A multi-year roadmap for Open Government at the RCMP
C05.1 Ensure open and strategic management of data and information
C05.2 Build an open government and open data ecosystem
C05.3 Create a roadmap toward a more inclusive barrier-free Canada

The indicators related to the chosen milestone

Primary key
Code Description
C01.1.1 Add content and features to the Open Science and Data Platform, using user engagement and feedback, both internal and external to government to set priorities for additions
C01.1.2 Provide accessible science-based educational content on 10 key topics (air, biodiversity, climate, cumulative effects, development activities, economy and industry, health, land, society and culture, and water), which may be supported by interactive maps
C01.1.3 Engage with governments, Indigenous Peoples, and external groups (e.g. industry, environmental non – government organizations) to verify that cumulative effects are better understood, new content is identified (data, publications) and overall use of the platform is increased
C01.2.1 Disseminate an infographic and datasets related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embedded in goods and services purchased by households. Link and disseminate environmental data on energy consumption and GHG emission physical flow accounts with economic satellite accounts on tourism, clean technologies, natural resources
C01.2.2 Develop an “Energy and Environment” webpage for the Canadian Centre for Energy Information portal that will include detailed GHG information from both Statistics Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, including several data visualization dashboards and indicators
C01.2.3 Link and disseminate environmental data on energy consumption and GHG emission Physical Flow Accounts with economic satellite accounts on transportation and agriculture
C01.3.1 New metric to be designed and included in yearly reports to assess open access of climate change science publication using data from an abstract and citation database
C01.3.2 Yearly reports on progress against existing metrics measuring implementation of open science by Science-Based Departments and Agencies, with a focus on open access metrics and diverse types of open access, to be released in the open
C01.3.3 Support 10 climate change innovation research projects as well as 10 master’s students focused on the intersection of machine learning and climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa and promote knowledge exchange with Canadian scholars
C01.3.4 Work with Lacuna Fund to support the creation, aggregation, and maintenance of open datasets for the training and evaluation of machine learning models by and for local communities most affected by climate change around the world
C01.4.1 Increase the number of clients accessing climate information through Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS) services by 10% by 2023 from 2021 baseline, by working to increase climate data and addressing information gaps driven by user needs
C01.4.2 Publish two sector-based modules on Climate Data by 2023 to provide relevant climate projections and information for users in the buildings and transportation sectors
C01.4.3 Respond to at least 300 user enquiries via the Canadian Centre for Climate Services support desk each year to continue to provide high-level quality of support, and use their feedback to help us advance our mandate to help users understand and become more resilient to climate change
C02.1.01 Projects are supported by the Digital Citizen Contribution Program with a focus of combatting online disinformation and other harms in a Canadian context to better understand the origins, impacts and potential response to online disinformation
C02.1.02 Projects are supported by Canadian Heritage’s Joint Initiative with Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council with a focus on combatting online disinformation and other harms in a Canadian context
C02.1.03 Annual Digital Citizen Initiative conferences are held, bringing together stakeholders for capacity building and knowledge dissemination
C02.1.04 New models are explored that enable private giving and philanthropic support for trusted, professional, non-profit journalism and local news
C02.1.05 The Local Journalism Initiative supports the hiring of journalists to provide coverage for underserved communities across Canada to support a healthy, diverse, and reliable news ecosystem
C02.1.06 Lead a multi-stakeholder working group to develop and advance international priorities related to Diversity of Content Online
C02.1.07 Finalize voluntary actions in line with the Guiding Principles on diversity of content online
C02.1.08 Countries, private sector, and civil society organizations sign on to the Guiding Principles and commit to advance voluntary actions
C02.1.09 During its tenure as Chair of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) in 2022, Canada will engage partners on the challenges created by disinformation, particularly those affecting governments and marginalized and vulnerable groups, and its impact on democratic processes, including participation and representation
C02.1.10 Publish an educational document for Canadians that would raise awareness on what the national security community does, why they do it and how, with specific reference to national security efforts to combat disinformation meant to undermine our democratic system and social cohesion
C02.1.11 Launch an online engagement tool to foster dialogue with Canadians on national security transparency issues, with specific reference to national security efforts to combat disinformation meant to undermine our democratic system and social cohesion
C02.2.1 Release an annual G7 Rapid Response Mechanism public report aimed at raising awareness of and strengthening societal resilience to foreign interference, including state sponsored disinformation, by keeping publics in the G7 member states informed about the latest threats and countermeasures
C02.2.2 Share Canada’s experience implementing its Plan to Protect Democracy, such as the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol and the Declaration, with domestic and international partners
C02.2.3 Engage provincial and territorial officials on threat awareness including countering cyber threats and disinformation in electoral processes
C02.2.4 Implement the Declaration for Electoral Integrity Online commitment to enhance the circulation of authoritative and verifiable government information in the Internet ecosystem, including ensuring that electoral management bodies are identified as the leading source of information online for where, when, and how to vote
C02.2.5 Work with social media companies on the next iteration of the Declaration
C02.2.6 Canada will establish a new centre to expand the availability of Canadian expertise and assistance to those seeking to build peace, advance justice, promote human rights, inclusion and democracy, and deliver good governance
C02.2.7 As co-chairs of the Media Freedom Coalition in 2022, Canada will take positive steps towards strengthening capacity to defend journalists around the world and protect the right to freedom of expression, public interest media, and the safety of journalists
C02.3.1 Monitor trends on trust in government and identify lessons learned from other countries through the OECD’s work and survey on the drivers of trust and how it can foster greater social cohesion
C02.3.2 Support research to better understand the state of civic discourse (both online and offline) and social cohesion in Canada
C02.3.3 Canada will launch its first-ever federal LGBTQ2 Action Plan with a view to advance the health, social and economic outcomes of LGBTQ2 people in Canada and the human rights of LGBTQ2 individuals internationally
C02.4.1 Launch a program of action for 2022 Canada’s chairship of the Freedom Online Coalition to advance digital inclusion that will foster meaningful participation in society online and offline, at home and abroad, with a focus on shaping global norms and expanding diplomatic networks, promoting multi-stakeholder engagement, and ramping up advocacy, communication and outreach
C02.4.2 Conduct a landscape study and a mapping on disinformation in the four global south regions - Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia; examine policies and actors; and build an agenda to work together to reduce disinformation
C02.4.3 Support research in 18 countries on the extent of technology facilitated Gender-based violence (GBV)
C02.4.4 Conduct research on fostering a feminist Internet - infrastructure, data, discourse from artificial intelligence to LGBTQI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex, plus) to labour to Gender-based violence (GBV)
C02.4.5 Support 2 countries in the global south to advance legal and gender transformative approaches to countering sexist hate speech online [India and Brazil]
C03.1.1 The Government’s approach to beneficial ownership disclosures is informed by stakeholders’ views on specifications for a made-in-Canada solution
C03.1.2 Federal legislative provisions necessary to implement the national beneficial ownership registry are in place in a timely manner, to support launch of the registry
C03.1.3 The registry is accessible to the public by the end of 2023
C03.2.1 Regular consultations are held with federal, provincial and territorial partners and counterparts to discuss a harmonized made-in-Canada solution that is scalable and can facilitate participation by the provinces and territories
C03.2.2 Canada consults with international counterparts to acquire lessons learned and best practices for implementing a publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry
C03.3.1 Subject to data availability, release the aggregate details of applications used by the Government of Canada
C03.3.2 Work towards developing policy instruments around the ethical use of information technology in the Government of Canada
C04.1.1 Completion of Canadian Legal Problems Survey (CLPS) and sharing of results, including Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)
C04.1.2 Completion and sharing of findings of Qualitative Studies on LGBTQ2S+ populations, Black Canadians, persons with disabilities, immigrants and Indigenous peoples, to complement the CLPS quantitative data
C04.1.3 Preparing and publishing Legal Aid Reports (annually)
C04.1.4 Updating and maintaining the State of the Criminal Justice System Report and Dashboard (annually)
C04.1.5 Collecting and releasing high value data related to various policing activities, workforce composition and more
C04.2.1 Collaboration with Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals (CCAT) to support delivery of workshops to better understand and promote good practices
C04.2.2 Support development of Community Justice Centres as a promising practice (ongoing)
C04.2.3 Publish promising practices from evaluations, annual reports and Federal, Provincial, Territorial work, as appropriate (ongoing)
C04.3.1 Regularly update Charterpedia on the Justice website (ongoing)
C04.3.2 Publication of geo-spatial mapping of services funded by Indigenous Justice Program (ongoing)
C04.3.3 Release Five forthcoming online courses on Bill C-78 (family violence, relocation, family dispute resolution and the duties of the parties, parenting and, interjurisdictional support)
C04.3.4 Develop a Children’s Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) tool, and accompanying online course on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how to use the CRIA tool
C04.3.5 Support for a network of legal information hubs providing free services to Official Language Minority Communities (ongoing)
C04.3.6 Communications activities to support legal literacy
C04.4.1 Work in concert with Provincial and Territorial partners
C04.4.2 Participation on OGP Coalition on Justice
C04.4.3 Collaboration with Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters
C04.4.4 Fostering international partnerships including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Pathfinders
C04.5.1 Develop an RCMP Open Government strategy with multi-year action plan (Released publicly)
C04.5.2 Establish an Open Government Office with resources dedicated to the advancement of openness and transparency across the RCMP
C04.5.3 Establish an RCMP Open Government Working Group comprised of key stakeholders across the RCMP to identify and release data and information as well as advance a culture of openness, transparency and accountability based on open government principles and practices. In addition, the RCMP will be an active participant in interdepartmental working groups/efforts around Justice and Justice related topics of transparency and Open Government
C04.5.4 Establish an RCMP Multi-Stakeholder Forum (ex. non-governmental organizations, other government departments, private sector, academia, community representatives including Indigenous Peoples, LBGTQ, youth, etc..) to help engage in discussions around priorities and areas of focus for openness and transparency in the RCMP
C05.1.1 Develop a roadmap identifying and prioritizing federal data standards
C05.1.2 Create a protocol for the development and management of federal data standards
C05.1.3 Establish a data and information governance framework to support a holistic approach to governance and inform direction and decision-making on federal data and information initiatives
C05.1.4 Define a federal data quality framework to build a common understanding of data quality and harmonize approaches to optimizing the quality of data assets in the Government of Canada
C05.1.5 Develop a new standard for systems that manage information and data in the Government of Canada, anchored in principles and business outcomes, to provide an enterprise approach for all federal records management and business systems
C05.1.6 Develop an assessment and reporting framework that supports implementation of the standard for systems that manage information and data and enables decision making in the Government of Canada
C05.2.01 As part of the development of an Open Government Strategy, include a robust open data pillar
C05.2.02 Establish an internal and external stakeholder open data advisory working group to help inform open data priorities, help inform the establishment of public reporting on open data release progress, identify open data users and experts, and report publicly on the work and deliberations of the working group and impact of open data
C05.2.03 As part of the OG Strategy and open data pillar, prioritize the development of a dedicated open data plan to expand on key open data activities, including but not limited to inclusive engagement
C05.2.04 Consult on and develop service standards for prioritizing and releasing open data and using the portal as part of the open data plan
C05.2.05 Using existing maturity models, develop a maturity model for open data for the Government of Canada
C05.2.06 Equip departments with criteria and a template so they can develop Implementation Plans to align themselves to the Strategy and maturity models to optimize their efforts for growth, as well as self-assessment and annual reporting tools to monitor progress and outcomes
C05.2.07 Expand the federated open data search to include open data from all thirteen jurisdictions thereby providing Canadians with access to open and discoverable data in one place
C05.2.08 Working in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and internal and external stakeholders, create a data sharing policy that would facilitate data sharing with Indigenous governments and organizations and their partners, while addressing key data governance issues such as protecting the confidentiality of community-level information
C05.2.09 Develop and test an infrastructure, with supporting governance, to facilitate uptake of citizen science in a health research context [this may include, but is not limited to, research in environmental health (e.g., air, water, chemicals, radiation), COVID-19, or other health-related topics]
C05.2.10 Support the Global Data Barometer and disclose comparative analysis on data in 100+ countries
C05.2.11 Increase the number of new women’s rights groups engaged in open government practices and data production consultations around the world (at least 15)
C05.2.12 Support organizations in at least 15 OGP countries in developing regions to advance open, fair and efficient use of data to strengthen their democracies
C05.2.13 Produce a series of synthesis reports, case studies and in-person events that support the global open data community, including the work with the Government of Kenya to co-host the International Open Data Conference
C05.2.14 Plan and develop a central online hub to facilitate public access to GBA Plus data, information and resources, and to provide a space for learning and participation
C05.3.01 Disaggregated Data Action Plan Developmental Phase - Develop a collection strategy for major surveys, survey design for new surveys, terms and conditions for collaborations with partners on the acquisition of new data, establishment and promotion of statistical standards for disaggregated data, exploration of existing data sources, start of release of new data and new indicators
C05.3.02 Disaggregated Data Action Plan Implementation Phase I - Launch of enhanced surveys, a collaborative analysis space, and an intersectional, population-level platform; further exploration of existing data sources and release of survey data, new indicators, and new analytical studies
C05.3.03 Disaggregated Data Action Plan Implementation Phase II - Continued release of new indicators, survey data, and analyses; enhancement of the portal of the Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics, enhanced data integration
C05.3.04 Disaggregated Data Action Plan Monitoring Phase - Continued release of new indicators, survey data, and analyses; completion of the evaluation framework; course correction
C05.3.05 Disaggregated Data Action Plan Evaluation Phase - Continued release of new indicators, survey data, and analyses; evaluation report and recommendations for ongoing data collection and dissemination
C05.3.06 Disaggregated Data Action Plan Continuous Improvement and Monitoring Phase - Continued release of new indicators, survey data, and analyses; monitoring of data gaps and emerging needs that should be covered, adherence to diversity data standards (in collaboration with TBS where appropriate) at the agency and all levels of government, flow of data to the agency and statistics from the agency and use of statistics in policymaking
C05.3.07 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability data collection
C05.3.08 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability data initial results available
C05.3.09 Disability screening questions included in future cycles of the General Social Survey, Canadian Income Survey, and Indigenous Peoples Survey
C05.3.10 2017 Canadian Survey on Disabilities data integrated with Canada Recovery Benefits data accessible in Federal Research Data Centre
C05.3.11 First set of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Sustainable Development Goals indicators available
C05.3.12 Develop a methodology to better understand Chronic Wasting Disease in Canada (CWD)
C05.3.13 Development of a new survey on children with disabilities
C05.3.14 Launch of the Accessibility Statistics Data Hub in June 2021, and ongoing updates
C05.3.15 Analyze and publish the data on the Survey on Accessibility in Federal Sector Organizations (SAFSO)
C05.3.16 Publish the 2019-20 public opinion research on the Accessibility Statistics Data Hub
C05.3.17 Conduct additional public opinion research to address further data gaps
C05.3.18 Publish additional Canada Pension Plan Disability datasets on the Open Government Portal

Indicate the current status of the commitment

Code Description
C Complete
LP Limited progress
NS Not started
SP Substantial progress
Progress during previous quarter (English)

1-3 bullets outlining progress made during the most recent quarter. If no progress has been made, please write "NIL"

Progress during previous quarter (French)

1-3 bullets outlining progress made during the most recent quarter. If no progress has been made, please write "NUL"

Evidence of progress (English)

Any supporting evidence to demonstrate the progress you have made. This could include websites, links to documents, or other information.

Evidence of progress (French)

Any supporting evidence to demonstrate the progress you have made. This could include websites, links to documents, or other information.

Challenges (English)

Describe any challenges faced

Challenges (French)

Describe any challenges faced


Additional Information

Created September 22, 2022
Format CSV