Historical Ontario field crop production by crop

Historical Ontario field crop production by crop Get statistical data on the estimated harvested area, yield, production, price and farm value of field crops in Ontario. 2024-07-03 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsField crop productionAgriculture and FoodEconomy and BusinessRural and north ImperialXLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/e12b6c1b-8319-429e-8440-50a7edf0d840/resource/ea4f75da-0bcc-439e-976a-4df918c36f8b/download/estimate_hist_imp.xlsx MetricXLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/e12b6c1b-8319-429e-8440-50a7edf0d840/resource/937570c9-3421-4aa1-91d3-b7334640c446/download/estimate_hist_metric.xlsx Historical Grain Corn, Soybeans and Winter Wheat YieldsXLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/e12b6c1b-8319-429e-8440-50a7edf0d840/resource/414ffef7-664c-46aa-9035-54fe738e7093/download/long_term_ontario_corn_soybeans_and_winter_wheat_yields_1887_to_2023.xlsx Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/e12b6c1b-8319-429e-8440-50a7edf0d840 Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/e12b6c1b-8319-429e-8440-50a7edf0d840

Get statistical data on the estimated harvested area, yield, production, price and farm value of field crops in Ontario.

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