Marine Transportation to Nunavut

Marine Transportation to Nunavut Shipping remains the most important mode of transportation for goods even though navigation is possible only four months of the year during the ice-free period. The re-supply of oil and other basic products from the south is done mostly by sea. The mining and fishing industries also use shipping. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Transportdemographic mapsmapwater transport Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

Shipping remains the most important mode of transportation for goods even though navigation is possible only four months of the year during the ice-free period. The re-supply of oil and other basic products from the south is done mostly by sea. The mining and fishing industries also use shipping.

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