Statistical portrait on the health of people at work

Statistical portrait on the health of people at work __Summary__ Presentation of the current situation in the Quebec public service with respect to various aspects of personal health in the workplace: * Management of prevention; * Management of conflict and psychological harassment; * Management of employee assistance programs (EAP); * Management of disability (treatment and occupational injury insurance); * Management of retention and reintegration at work. __Purpose__ The dissemination of these statistics is part of the implementation of the Treasury Board Secretariat's Human Resources Management Policy Framework. 2023-07-13 Government and Municipalities of Québec Government and Politics 2015-2016 Treatment InsuranceCSV 2015-2016 Occupational InjuriesCSV 2015-2016 Employee Assistance ProgramCSV Reintegration to work 2015-2016CSV Definitions and acronyms 2015-2016DOC 2014-2015 Treatment InsuranceCSV 2014-2015 Occupational InjuriesCSV 2014-2015 Employee Assistance ProgramCSV Reintegration to work 2014-2015CSV Definitions and acronyms 2014-2015DOC 2013-2014 Treatment InsuranceCSV 2013-2014 Occupational InjuriesCSV 2013-2014 Employee Assistance ProgramCSV Reintegration to work 2013-2014CSV Definitions and acronyms 2013-2014DOC Original metadata (

Summary Presentation of the current situation in the Quebec public service with respect to various aspects of personal health in the workplace: * Management of prevention; * Management of conflict and psychological harassment; * Management of employee assistance programs (EAP); * Management of disability (treatment and occupational injury insurance); * Management of retention and reintegration at work. Purpose The dissemination of these statistics is part of the implementation of the Treasury Board Secretariat's Human Resources Management Policy Framework.

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