Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fish

Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fish This theme, which lists more than 1,300 fishing sites in Quebec and nearly forty fish species, provides information on the consumption of sport fishing fish according to species and their size. The number of meals is determined on a monthly basis by calculating that one meal is equivalent to a 230-gram portion (8 ounces before cooking) of freshwater fish caught in Quebec. The main factors in determining the degree of contamination of the flesh of fish caught in a given location are the species and the size: small, medium and large. The recommendations in the data layer take into account both of these factors. The rules presented in it are intended to warn against the risks associated with the consumption of fish in the long term. They are particularly relevant for people who are in the habit of consuming fish frequently. They are valid at all times, unless otherwise advised by public health officials in your area.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fishESRI REST Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fishESRI REST Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fishFGDB/GDB Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fishGEOJSON Guide to the consumption of freshwater sport fishGPKG Original metadata ( Metadata from the freshwater sport fishing consumer guidePDF

This theme, which lists more than 1,300 fishing sites in Quebec and nearly forty fish species, provides information on the consumption of sport fishing fish according to species and their size. The number of meals is determined on a monthly basis by calculating that one meal is equivalent to a 230-gram portion (8 ounces before cooking) of freshwater fish caught in Quebec. The main factors in determining the degree of contamination of the flesh of fish caught in a given location are the species and the size: small, medium and large. The recommendations in the data layer take into account both of these factors. The rules presented in it are intended to warn against the risks associated with the consumption of fish in the long term. They are particularly relevant for people who are in the habit of consuming fish frequently. They are valid at all times, unless otherwise advised by public health officials in your area.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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