Community Areas

Community Areas Community Areas are a standard analytical and service delivery geography for the city of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Community Areas are a standard analytical and service delivery geography for the city of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.  The Community Areas geographic areas were developed by the Community Data Network (now more commonly referred to as the Winnipeg Community Data Consortium), with input from the WRHA, Manitoba Health, the City of Winnipeg, and other stakeholders. Community areas can be defined to either include or exclude the municipalities of East and West St. Paul. Because the Winnipeg RHA is defined to include East and West St. Paul, use of the geographies in a health services or health status context includes East and West St. Paul. Conversely, because the City of Winnipeg excludes East and West St. Paul, use of the geographies in a municipal administrative context excludes East and West St. Paul. This shapefile reflects the use of Community Areas in a health services or health status context, and includes East and West St. Paul. 2024-06-17 Government of Manitoba Health and SafetyHealthHealth DistrictHealth RegionsGovernment of ManitobaManitobaBoundariesWinnipegOpen DataGovernment information CSVCSV ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST GeoJSONGEOJSON original metadata ( KMLKML ShapefileSHP

Community Areas are a standard analytical and service delivery geography for the city of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

Community Areas are a standard analytical and service delivery geography for the city of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.  The Community Areas geographic areas were developed by the Community Data Network (now more commonly referred to as the Winnipeg Community Data Consortium), with input from the WRHA, Manitoba Health, the City of Winnipeg, and other stakeholders. Community areas can be defined to either include or exclude the municipalities of East and West St. Paul. Because the Winnipeg RHA is defined to include East and West St. Paul, use of the geographies in a health services or health status context includes East and West St. Paul. Conversely, because the City of Winnipeg excludes East and West St. Paul, use of the geographies in a municipal administrative context excludes East and West St. Paul. This shapefile reflects the use of Community Areas in a health services or health status context, and includes East and West St. Paul.

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