Job prospects by occupation

Job prospects by occupation The Employment Sector, a sector attached to the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity (MESS), makes forecasts of the labour market every year in the medium (five years) and in the long term (ten years). These forecasts cover employment by industry and occupation, as well as labour market participation and unemployment. They are based on medium and long-term economic forecasts from the Conference Board of Canada (cBDC), including those for household consumption, government spending, private and public investments, exports and imports, and exports, and imports, and exchange rate trends. If the economic growth observed during the forecast period is different from that expected by the cBDC, the evolution of employment could thus differ from what the Employment Sector foresees in its forecasts. 2024-07-24 Government and Municipalities of Québec Government and Politics BALANCED STATE OF THE LABOR MARKET 2023PDF Job prospects by profession 2023-2027 in csv formatCSV Job prospects by profession 2023-2027 in xlsx formatXLSX Job prospects by profession 2022—2026 in csv formatCSV Job prospects by profession 2022 - 2026 in xlsx formatXLSX BALANCED STATE OF THE LABOR MARKET 2022PDF Job prospects by occupation 2021-2025 in csv formatCSV Job prospects by profession 2021-2025 in xlsx formatXLSX BALANCED STATE OF THE LABOR MARKET 2021PDF Job prospects by occupation 2019-2023 in csv formatCSV Job prospects by occupation 2019-2023 in xlsx formatXLSX STATE OF BALANCE OF THE LABOR MARKET 2019PDF Original metadata (

The Employment Sector, a sector attached to the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity (MESS), makes forecasts of the labour market every year in the medium (five years) and in the long term (ten years). These forecasts cover employment by industry and occupation, as well as labour market participation and unemployment. They are based on medium and long-term economic forecasts from the Conference Board of Canada (cBDC), including those for household consumption, government spending, private and public investments, exports and imports, and exports, and imports, and exchange rate trends. If the economic growth observed during the forecast period is different from that expected by the cBDC, the evolution of employment could thus differ from what the Employment Sector foresees in its forecasts.

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