Tourist accommodation establishments in Quebec

Tourist accommodation establishments in Quebec __IMPORTANT NOTE:__ The Ministry of Tourism (MTO) has begun migrating its data to a new tourism information system, SIT Québec. The operation will take place over several months, during which time this open dataset will no longer be updated. However, it will remain available as an archive on the Data Québec portal, until a replacement process is put in place for the publication of open data. Please note that the upcoming open dataset may be published in a different granularity and information format. Quebec offers a complete and varied range of accommodation options, for all tastes and all budgets. Hotels, inns, cottages, campsites, outfitters, student residences and more, more than 14,000 lodging establishments are offered on the Bonjour Québec promotional site ( 2023-07-13 Government and Municipalities of Québec Society and Culture Dataset to download (compressed)XML Microsoft Excel import template (compressed format)XLS Original metadata (

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Ministry of Tourism (MTO) has begun migrating its data to a new tourism information system, SIT Québec. The operation will take place over several months, during which time this open dataset will no longer be updated. However, it will remain available as an archive on the Data Québec portal, until a replacement process is put in place for the publication of open data. Please note that the upcoming open dataset may be published in a different granularity and information format. Quebec offers a complete and varied range of accommodation options, for all tastes and all budgets. Hotels, inns, cottages, campsites, outfitters, student residences and more, more than 14,000 lodging establishments are offered on the Bonjour Québec promotional site (

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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