Places to receive and tourist information in Quebec

Places to receive and tourist information in Quebec __IMPORTANT NOTE:__ The Ministry of Tourism (MTO) has begun the migration of its data to a new tourist information system, the SIT Québec. The operation will take place over several months, during which time this open data set will no longer be updated. However, it will remain available as an archive on the Data Québec portal, until a replacement process for the publication of open data is put in place. Note that the upcoming open data set may be published in a different granularity and information format. Comprising approximately 240 tourist reception and information sites spread across the regions of Quebec, the network offers tourists and excursionists information on attractions, activities, accommodations and restaurants, as well as comprehensive tourist documentation, as well as comprehensive tourist documentation so that they can make the most of their stay.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Original metadata ( Microsoft Excel import templateXLS Data set to download (compressed)XML

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Ministry of Tourism (MTO) has begun the migration of its data to a new tourist information system, the SIT Québec. The operation will take place over several months, during which time this open data set will no longer be updated. However, it will remain available as an archive on the Data Québec portal, until a replacement process for the publication of open data is put in place. Note that the upcoming open data set may be published in a different granularity and information format. Comprising approximately 240 tourist reception and information sites spread across the regions of Quebec, the network offers tourists and excursionists information on attractions, activities, accommodations and restaurants, as well as comprehensive tourist documentation, as well as comprehensive tourist documentation so that they can make the most of their stay.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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