Plant Species Richness - Kluane

Plant Species Richness - Kluane Shrubs are projected to move upslope and expand into the alpine tundra with a warming climate in the Kluane region of Yukon. Shrub expansion will create habitat for some species, such as moose, but cause habitat loss for species such as hoary marmot, collared pika and ptarmigan. Parks Canada monitors plant species richness using a similarity index, comparing repeat measurements with the landscape average measured in 2011. Field sampling is done on 21 permanent plots in seven different alpine tundra sites in late July/early August every 5 years 2024-05-02 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentKluaneYukonalpine tundraclimate changespecies richnesssimilarity index Plant Species Richness - KluaneCSV

Shrubs are projected to move upslope and expand into the alpine tundra with a warming climate in the Kluane region of Yukon. Shrub expansion will create habitat for some species, such as moose, but cause habitat loss for species such as hoary marmot, collared pika and ptarmigan. Parks Canada monitors plant species richness using a similarity index, comparing repeat measurements with the landscape average measured in 2011. Field sampling is done on 21 permanent plots in seven different alpine tundra sites in late July/early August every 5 years

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