Participation rate of the respect in the Canadian Armed Forces Workshop

Participation rate of the respect in the Canadian Armed Forces Workshop The Departmental Results Framework (DRF) is the strategic view of Defence’s mandate, displaying its Core Responsibilities and key performance information. It represents the corporate framework used to demonstrate plans, achievements, expenditures and performance results. This helps Canadians and parliamentarians understand what we do, what we seek to achieve, and how we will determine if we have achieved it. The Respect in the CAF (RitCAF) is an interactive curriculum intended to promote respect in the CAF through awareness and understanding, to empower CAF members to take a stand against sexual misconduct and to support affected persons. This workshop is designed to foster a sustained change in attitudes and behaviours in order to build a respectful climate and culture within the CAF as part of Operation HONOUR. This dataset presents DRF 3.3 entitled “The Defence team reflects the values and diversity of Canadian society” and its indicator 3.3.13 entitled “Number of Defence Team members who have attended a town hall or training session related to sexual misconduct (Operation Honour)”. The following dataset illustrates the numbers of participants within National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces that participated in the workshop over the years. 2022-12-30 National Defence Education and TrainingMilitarySociety and CultureRespectCanadian Armed ForcesCAFsexual misconductworkshopcultureculture changemilitaryvaluesethicsDRF RitCAF Workshop participation rateCSV

The Departmental Results Framework (DRF) is the strategic view of Defence’s mandate, displaying its Core Responsibilities and key performance information. It represents the corporate framework used to demonstrate plans, achievements, expenditures and performance results. This helps Canadians and parliamentarians understand what we do, what we seek to achieve, and how we will determine if we have achieved it.

The Respect in the CAF (RitCAF) is an interactive curriculum intended to promote respect in the CAF through awareness and understanding, to empower CAF members to take a stand against sexual misconduct and to support affected persons. This workshop is designed to foster a sustained change in attitudes and behaviours in order to build a respectful climate and culture within the CAF as part of Operation HONOUR. This dataset presents DRF 3.3 entitled “The Defence team reflects the values and diversity of Canadian society” and its indicator 3.3.13 entitled “Number of Defence Team members who have attended a town hall or training session related to sexual misconduct (Operation Honour)”. The following dataset illustrates the numbers of participants within National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces that participated in the workshop over the years.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: National Defence
  • Publisher - Organization Name at Publication: Sexual Misconduct Response Centre
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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