OD0150 PEI Ambient Air Mercury Monitoring 2022

OD0150 PEI Ambient Air Mercury Monitoring 2022 Data from the province’s Ambient Air Mercury Monitoring Program. Air monitoring equipment records mercury values from the ambient air in Southampton, PEI. Due to the size of the dataset, the data is split into separate data tables. This dataset covers data start from 2022 onwards. 2024-05-15 Government of Prince Edward Island seledgerwood@gov.pe.ca Nature and Environmenthgmercurymercury monitoringair/water monitoringEnvironment and Food Prince Edward Island original metadata (https://data.princeedwardisland.ca)HTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/310728450bc34c039ba270644556ce74/about ArcGIS Hub DatasetHTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/310728450bc34c039ba270644556ce74/explore

Data from the province’s Ambient Air Mercury Monitoring Program. Air monitoring equipment records mercury values from the ambient air in Southampton, PEI. Due to the size of the dataset, the data is split into separate data tables. This dataset covers data start from 2022 onwards.

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: seledgerwood@gov.pe.ca

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