Legal Aid in Canada, 2016-2017

Legal Aid in Canada, 2016-2017 The Legal Aid Survey was a Canada Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS)/Statistics Canada annual survey on revenues. Expenditures, personnel, and caseload statistics associated with the administration and delivery of legal aid in Canada. The Legal Aid Survey was first conducted in1983-84, and the data was last published in 2016 (for the fiscal year 2014-16). After the discontinuation of the Legal Aid Survey in 2016, the Department of Justice (JUS) began data collection and reporting in-house. This is the first legal aid annual report since the cancellation of the Legal Aid Survey. Data for 2015-16 is not available due to the change in approach to data collecting and reporting. In 2016-17, JUS, through its Legal Aid Program contributed more than $138 million to the provinces and territories for the delivery of criminal legal aid, civil legal aid, and I&R (immigration and refugee) legal aid (where applicable). This amounts to 16% of total legal aid revenues. 2023-05-17 Department of Justice Canada Government and PoliticsInformation and CommunicationsLawPersonsSociety and CultureDepartment of JusticeJustice SystemApplied ResearchGovernment PublicationsLegal aid Table 1 – Total legal aid plan revenues, by type of revenue, annual, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_1.csv Table 1 – Total legal aid plan revenues, by type of revenue, annual, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_1.csv Table 2 - Legal aid plan expenditures, by type of expenditure, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_2.csv Table 2 - Legal aid plan expenditures, by type of expenditure, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_2.csv Table 2b - Total legal aid plan administrative costs, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_2b.csv Table 2b - Total legal aid plan administrative costs, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_2b.csv Table 3 - Legal aid service delivery by private and staff lawyers, 2016-17CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_3.csv Table 3 - Legal aid service delivery by private and staff lawyers, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_3.csv Table 4 - Legal aid plan personnel as of March 31, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_4.csv Table 4 - Legal aid plan personnel as of March 31, 2016-17CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_4.csv Table 5 - Legal aid applications, by type of matter, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_5.csv Table 5 - Legal aid applications, by type of matter, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_5.csv Table 6 - Approved legal aid applications for full service, by type of matter (number), annual, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_6.csv Table 6 - Approved legal aid applications for full service, by type of matter (number), annual, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_6.csv Table 7 - Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal, criminal and civil matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_7.csv Table 7 - Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal, criminal and civil matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_7.csv Table 8 - Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal, criminal matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_8.csv Table 8 - Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal, criminal matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_8.csv Table 9 - Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal, civil matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_9.csv Table 9 - Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal, civil matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_9.csv Table 10 – Duty counsel services, by type of matter, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_10.csv Table 10 – Duty counsel services, by type of matter, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_10.csv Table 11 – Appeal applications, approved and refused for legal aid services, by criminal and civil matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_11.csv Table 11 – Appeal applications, approved and refused for legal aid services, by criminal and civil matters, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_11.csv Table 12 - Incoming and outgoing civil legal aid cases processed under the interprovincial reciprocity agreement, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_12.csv Table 12 - Incoming and outgoing civil legal aid cases processed under the interprovincial reciprocity agreement, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_12.csv Table 13 - Legal aid clients, by age, gender, and type of matter, Canada, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_13.csv Table 13 - Legal aid clients, by age, gender, and type of matter, Canada, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_13.csv Table 14 - Indigenous legal aid clients by gender and type of matter, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_14.csv Table 14 - Indigenous legal aid clients by gender and type of matter, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_14.csv Table 15 – Criminal legal aid cases by type of offence and in year expenditures, adults, Canada, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_15.csv Table 15 – Criminal legal aid cases by type of offence and in year expenditures, adults, Canada, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_15.csv Table 16 – Criminal legal aid cases by type of offence and in year expenditures, youth, Canada, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_16.csv Table 16 – Criminal legal aid cases by type of offence and in year expenditures, youth, Canada, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_16.csv Table 17 - Immigration and refugee legal aid certificates and expenditures, by province/territory and type of lawyer, 2016-17 CSV\trans\open-ouvert\rsd-drs\la201617-aj201617\Legal_Aid_2016-17_Table_17.csv Table 17 - Immigration and refugee legal aid certificates and expenditures, by province/territory and type of lawyer, 2016-17 CSV\trans\ouvert-open\drs-rsd\aj201617-la201617\Aide_juridique_2016-17_Tableau_17.csv

The Legal Aid Survey was a Canada Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS)/Statistics Canada annual survey on revenues. Expenditures, personnel, and caseload statistics associated with the administration and delivery of legal aid in Canada. The Legal Aid Survey was first conducted in1983-84, and the data was last published in 2016 (for the fiscal year 2014-16).

After the discontinuation of the Legal Aid Survey in 2016, the Department of Justice (JUS) began data collection and reporting in-house. This is the first legal aid annual report since the cancellation of the Legal Aid Survey. Data for 2015-16 is not available due to the change in approach to data collecting and reporting.

In 2016-17, JUS, through its Legal Aid Program contributed more than $138 million to the provinces and territories for the delivery of criminal legal aid, civil legal aid, and I&R (immigration and refugee) legal aid (where applicable). This amounts to 16% of total legal aid revenues.

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