Seasonal Temperatures

Seasonal Temperatures Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows four maps of the mean daily temperatures for January, April, July and October averaged over the 30 year period, circa 1921-1950. The mean temperature for any day is the average of the maximum and minimum temperatures for that day. The mean daily temperature for any month is the average of the mean temperatures for each day of that month. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and Technologyclimateclimate archivesmeteorological datameteorologyweather Download the English JPG through HTTPJPG Download the English PDF through HTTPPDF Download the French JPG through HTTPJPG Download the French PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows four maps of the mean daily temperatures for January, April, July and October averaged over the 30 year period, circa 1921-1950. The mean temperature for any day is the average of the maximum and minimum temperatures for that day. The mean daily temperature for any month is the average of the mean temperatures for each day of that month.

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