Probability of Effective growing season degree days above 250 for warm season crops, for 2 weeks

Probability of Effective growing season degree days above 250 for warm season crops, for 2 weeks The probability of effective growing season degree days above 250 for warm season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive days in order for EGDD to be accumulated (egdd_warm_250prob). La probabilité prévue pour les semaines 1 et 2 est disponible tous les jours du 1er avril au 31 octobre. La probabilité prévue pour les semaines 3 et 4 est disponible toutes les semaines (jeudi) du 1er avril au 31 octobre. Cumulative heat-energy satisfies the essential requirement of field crop growth and development towards a high yield and good quality of agricultural crop products. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) have together developed a suite of extreme agrometeorological indices based on four main categories of weather factors: temperature, precipitation, heat, and wind. The extreme weather indices are intended as short-term prediction tools and generated using ECCC’s medium range forecasts to create a weekly index product on a daily and weekly basis. 2023-02-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyExtreme Weather IndicesMeteorologyAgricultureHeatingFarmlandsWeather forecastsWeatherClimate Data Product Specification (French)PDF Data Product Specification (English)PDF Pre-packaged GeoTIF files (No linguistic component)GeoTIF Pre-packaged Maps (English)PDF Pre-packaged Maps (French)PDF

The probability of effective growing season degree days above 250 for warm season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive days in order for EGDD to be accumulated (egdd_warm_250prob).

La probabilité prévue pour les semaines 1 et 2 est disponible tous les jours du 1er avril au 31 octobre.

La probabilité prévue pour les semaines 3 et 4 est disponible toutes les semaines (jeudi) du 1er avril au 31 octobre.

Cumulative heat-energy satisfies the essential requirement of field crop growth and development towards a high yield and good quality of agricultural crop products.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) have together developed a suite of extreme agrometeorological indices based on four main categories of weather factors: temperature, precipitation, heat, and wind. The extreme weather indices are intended as short-term prediction tools and generated using ECCC’s medium range forecasts to create a weekly index product on a daily and weekly basis.

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