Roads - National Road Network

Roads - National Road Network National Road Network Road Segment data of Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Alberta, and British Columbia. The data sets were clipped to the Yukon Territory CSW extent and merged. Yukon Transportation fields were added that provide road management information. The Yukon Transportation fields also apply to British Columbia highways maintained by Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works. The NRN product is distributed in the form of thirteen provincial or territorial datasets and consists of two linear entities (Road Segment and Ferry Connection Segment) and three punctual entities (Junction, Blocked Passage, Toll Point) with which is associated a series of descriptive attributes such as, among others: First House Number, Last House Number, Street Name Body, Place Name, Functional Road Class, Pavement Status, Number Of Lanes, Structure Type, Route Number, Route Name, Exit Number. The development of the NRN was realized by means of individual meetings and national workshops with interested data providers from the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments. In 2005, the NRN edition 2.0 was alternately adopted by members from the Inter-Agency Committee on Geomatics (IACG) and the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG). The NRN content largely conforms to the ISO 14825 from ISO/TC 204. 2024-08-29 Government of Yukon Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technologycontinentnorth americaCanadaYukon Territorynorthwest territoryBritish Columbiaand albertagcmd (global change master directory)Earth Sciencehuman dimensionsInfrastructuretransportationlocationVector dataRoad NetworkDownloadable DataGovernment information ISO 19139 Geographic Information - MetadataHTML Original metadata ( ISO 19139 Geographic Information - MetadataXML FTP Directoryother

National Road Network Road Segment data of Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Alberta, and British Columbia. The data sets were clipped to the Yukon Territory CSW extent and merged. Yukon Transportation fields were added that provide road management information. The Yukon Transportation fields also apply to British Columbia highways maintained by Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works. The NRN product is distributed in the form of thirteen provincial or territorial datasets and consists of two linear entities (Road Segment and Ferry Connection Segment) and three punctual entities (Junction, Blocked Passage, Toll Point) with which is associated a series of descriptive attributes such as, among others: First House Number, Last House Number, Street Name Body, Place Name, Functional Road Class, Pavement Status, Number Of Lanes, Structure Type, Route Number, Route Name, Exit Number. The development of the NRN was realized by means of individual meetings and national workshops with interested data providers from the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments. In 2005, the NRN edition 2.0 was alternately adopted by members from the Inter-Agency Committee on Geomatics (IACG) and the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG). The NRN content largely conforms to the ISO 14825 from ISO/TC 204.

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