BC Government Owned and Leased Properties

BC Government Owned and Leased Properties On behalf of the Province of BC and as legislated by the Public Agency Accommodation Act, Real Property Division owns and leases approximately 1,040 buildings and 215 lands in 140 communities across BC. This list of properties (buildings and lands) includes properties outside of BC but does not include parking stalls and properties directly procured by individual ministries. These properties are owned or leased predominantly for occupancy by ministries to deliver a program to citizens or a headquarters administrative function. This listing is alphabetical by town and including address, area (m2/ha), tenure (owned/leased), latitude and longitude. Whenever available, the data set includes energy and water consumption statistics. This is sorted by electricity (kWh), natural gas (GJ), and water (m3) used at each building during the most recent calendar year. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia jennifer.brown1@gov.bc.ca Society and CultureBCWaterareabuildingelectricityenergyfuelhectarelandleaseleasedm2mapmappingmetreownownedownershippropertiespropertyprovinceprovincialreal estatesitesitestenure PMR5975 Owned and Leased Property Extract DataBCXLSX https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fa25ff2c-be2f-41a5-97d9-6d34afa74754/resource/e8d6bc6d-651b-4984-a9f4-319e4e02722b/download/pmr5975-2023-owned-and-leased-properties-extract-databc.xlsx PMR5975 Owned and Leased Property Extract DataBCCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fa25ff2c-be2f-41a5-97d9-6d34afa74754/resource/7a6cb94a-872e-4865-b944-21b76a86dd0e/download/pmr5975-2023-owned-and-leased-properties-extract-databc.csv Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-government-owned-and-leased-properties

On behalf of the Province of BC and as legislated by the Public Agency Accommodation Act, Real Property Division owns and leases approximately 1,040 buildings and 215 lands in 140 communities across BC. This list of properties (buildings and lands) includes properties outside of BC but does not include parking stalls and properties directly procured by individual ministries. These properties are owned or leased predominantly for occupancy by ministries to deliver a program to citizens or a headquarters administrative function. This listing is alphabetical by town and including address, area (m2/ha), tenure (owned/leased), latitude and longitude. Whenever available, the data set includes energy and water consumption statistics. This is sorted by electricity (kWh), natural gas (GJ), and water (m3) used at each building during the most recent calendar year.

Made available by the Government of British Columbia

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Data and Resources

Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: jennifer.brown1@gov.bc.ca

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