Homogenized Surface Air Temperature (AHCCD)

Homogenized Surface Air Temperature (AHCCD) The Homogenized Surface Air Temperature data consist of monthly, seasonal and annual means of homogenized daily maximum, minimum and mean surface air temperatures (degrees Celsius) for 338 locations in Canada. Homogenized climate data incorporate adjustments (derived from statistical procedures) to the original station data to account for discontinuities from non-climatic factors, such as instrument changes or station relocation. The time periods of the data vary by location, with the oldest data available from the early 1880s at some stations to the most recent update in 2017. Observations at co-located sites were sometimes joined in order to create longer time series. Data availability over most of the Canadian Arctic is restricted to the mid-1940s to present. The data will continue to be updated every year. 2022-02-22 Environment and Climate Change Canada ec.ccds.info-info.dscc.ec@canada.ca Nature and EnvironmentScience and Technologytemperature; homogenized; climate; climate changeWeather and ClimateProvide Climate Information Products and ServicesExpand Scientific Knowledge for Climate Monitoring and PredictionNational (CA)ClimateClimate change Adjusted / homogenized climate data ENHTML https://climate-scenarios.canada.ca/?page=homogenized-data Adjusted / homogenized climate data FRHTML https://scenarios-climatiques.canada.ca/index.php?page=homogenized-data AHCCDHTML https://climate-change.canada.ca/climate-data/#/adjusted-station-data View Data MartHTML https://dd.weather.gc.ca/climate/ahccd View Data MartHTML https://dd.meteo.gc.ca/climate/ahccd Climate Data ViewerHTML https://climate-viewer.canada.ca/climate-maps.html Climate Data ViewerHTML https://visualiseur-climatique.canada.ca/cartes-climatiques.html View ECCC Data Mart (English)HTML http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/climate/scientificknowledge/adjusted-and-homogenized-canadian-climate-data-ahccd/homogenized-surface-air-temperature-ahccd View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTML http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/climate/scientificknowledge/adjusted-and-homogenized-canadian-climate-data-ahccd/homogenized-surface-air-temperature-ahccd?lang=fr Data Collection MethodologyPDF http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/climate/scientificknowledge/adjusted-and-homogenized-canadian-climate-data-ahccd/homogenized-surface-air-temperature-ahccd/AHCCD_-_READ_ME_Technical_doc_EN.pdf Data Collection MethodologyPDF http://data.ec.gc.ca/data/climate/scientificknowledge/adjusted-and-homogenized-canadian-climate-data-ahccd/homogenized-surface-air-temperature-ahccd/AHCCD_-_READ_ME_Technical_doc_FR.pdf

The Homogenized Surface Air Temperature data consist of monthly, seasonal and annual means of homogenized daily maximum, minimum and mean surface air temperatures (degrees Celsius) for 338 locations in Canada. Homogenized climate data incorporate adjustments (derived from statistical procedures) to the original station data to account for discontinuities from non-climatic factors, such as instrument changes or station relocation. The time periods of the data vary by location, with the oldest data available from the early 1880s at some stations to the most recent update in 2017. Observations at co-located sites were sometimes joined in order to create longer time series. Data availability over most of the Canadian Arctic is restricted to the mid-1940s to present. The data will continue to be updated every year.

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Contact Information

Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: ec.ccds.info-info.dscc.ec@canada.ca

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