Local Government Interest Rates on Taxes in Arrears or Delinquent

Local Government Interest Rates on Taxes in Arrears or Delinquent These rates are established under Section 11(3) of the Taxation (Rural Area) Act. The rates are also applicable to Sections 412 and 417 of the Local Government Act and Section 245, 246 and 254 of the Community Charter. These rates are calculated by adding three percent to the prime lending rate (as of the 15th of the month preceding the effective date) of the principal banker to the Province. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia LGDE@gov.bc.ca Economics and Industryarrearsdelinquentinterest ratelocal governmentmunicipaltaxation Historical Taxes in Arrears from 1994 to 2012CSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fe88a492-d55b-4b59-bf60-a396d5da7e66/resource/375b0908-5200-4be6-85da-e1191416483e/download/lgdtaxesinarrears.csv Historical Taxes in Arrears from 1994 to 2012XLS https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/fe88a492-d55b-4b59-bf60-a396d5da7e66/resource/464c6622-9a8b-4e09-85d7-c7779d1add0c/download/lgdtaxesinarrears.xls Current Taxes in Arrears from 2013 to presentHTML https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=5339BFB51108498296CD9D4A8E2639BC Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/local-government-interest-rates-on-taxes-in-arrears-or-delinquent

These rates are established under Section 11(3) of the Taxation (Rural Area) Act. The rates are also applicable to Sections 412 and 417 of the Local Government Act and Section 245, 246 and 254 of the Community Charter. These rates are calculated by adding three percent to the prime lending rate (as of the 15th of the month preceding the effective date) of the principal banker to the Province.

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Electronic Mail Address: LGDE@gov.bc.ca

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