Employment Rates (Age 15 to 64) by Highest Level of Education, Alberta and Canada

Employment Rates (Age 15 to 64) by Highest Level of Education, Alberta and Canada This Alberta Official Statistic describes the employment rates of persons aged 15 years and over by highest level of education for Alberta and Canada from 1990 to 2014. The educational classifications are '0-8 years', ‘some high school’, 'high school graduate', ‘some post-secondary’, 'post-secondary certificate or diploma', ‘bachelor’s degree’ and 'above bachelor’s degree'. Generally, persons with higher educational qualifications have higher employment rates than those with lower qualifications. 2024-07-24 Government of Alberta osi.support@gov.ab.ca Education and TrainingLabourAOSAlberta Official StatisticsEmployment Rates CSVCSV https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/02d55a16-541c-4f3d-a305-31b624015329/resource/7acc1ba5-aeb7-4af9-b784-7c028daa1f54/download/stccansim282-0004employmentbyeducationlevelcsvv5.02015-03-10.csv Alberta Official Statistic VisualizationPDF https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/02d55a16-541c-4f3d-a305-31b624015329/resource/7dd35cd6-5fa3-467b-ba1a-49c248457ed7/download/05272015employmentrateshighestleveleduconepage.pdf Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/02d55a16-541c-4f3d-a305-31b624015329

This Alberta Official Statistic describes the employment rates of persons aged 15 years and over by highest level of education for Alberta and Canada from 1990 to 2014. The educational classifications are '0-8 years', ‘some high school’, 'high school graduate', ‘some post-secondary’, 'post-secondary certificate or diploma', ‘bachelor’s degree’ and 'above bachelor’s degree'. Generally, persons with higher educational qualifications have higher employment rates than those with lower qualifications.

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