Terrestrial Protected Areas Representation by Biogeoclimatic Zone

Terrestrial Protected Areas Representation by Biogeoclimatic Zone Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) zone boundaries with percent protected, number of overlapping protected areas and other attributes added as a result of geoprocessing in the Protected Area System Overview (PASO) application. Protected area and park representation by BEC zone provides a zonal ecosystem context for natural resource planning processes such as; management plans, land use zoning, environmental risk assessment, landscape analysis, habitat supply, and management of high priority species. For important warnings about using this data for spatial analysis see the Data Quality section of the metadata 2024-07-02 Government of British Columbia Sharilynn.Wardrop@gov.bc.ca Nature and EnvironmentScience and Technologymissing kwGovernment information Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/terrestrial-protected-areas-representation-by-biogeoclimatic-zone BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/terrestrial-protected-areas-representation-by-biogeoclimatic-zone/resource/cbd52d75-fcd3-4df0-a241-875281a68a59 PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVWKML https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/kml/geo/layers/WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVW_loader.kml PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVWWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVW/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVW&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVWWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVW/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PASO_PCT_BGC_ZONE_PRTCTD_SVW&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain

Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) zone boundaries with percent protected, number of overlapping protected areas and other attributes added as a result of geoprocessing in the Protected Area System Overview (PASO) application. Protected area and park representation by BEC zone provides a zonal ecosystem context for natural resource planning processes such as; management plans, land use zoning, environmental risk assessment, landscape analysis, habitat supply, and management of high priority species. For important warnings about using this data for spatial analysis see the Data Quality section of the metadata

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Electronic Mail Address: Sharilynn.Wardrop@gov.bc.ca

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